• Welcome to the Pipe Organ Forum! This is a part of the open community Magle International Music Forums focused on pipe organs (also known as "church organs"), organists, organ music and related topics.

    This forum is intended to be a friendly place where technically advanced organists and beginners (or even non-organists) can feel comfortable having discussions and asking questions. We learn by reading and asking questions, and it is hoped that the beginners (or non-organists) will feel free to ask even the simplest questions, and that the more advanced organists will patiently answer these questions. On the other hand, we encourage complex, technical discussions of technique, music, organ-building, etc. The opinions and observations of a diverse group of people from around the world should prove to be interesting and stimulating to all of us.

    As pipe organ discussions can sometimes become lively, it should be pointed out that this is an open forum. Statements made here are the opinion of the poster, and not necessarily that of the forum itself, its administrator, or its moderators.

    In order to post a new topic - or reply to existing ones - you may join and become a member by clicking on Register New User. It's completely free and only requires a working email address (in order to confirm your registration - it will never be given away!). We strive to make this a friendly and informative forum for anyone interested in pipe organs and organ music.

    (Note: If you wish to link to and promote your own website please read this thread first.)

    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


Does anything change?


New member
I don't know if Facebook and other "social networks" have taken over for forum blogs or what, but it seems as if nothing ever changes or gets added to these forums any more. I can scroll through them a week apart, and the same stuff is still there. It isn't just this one --others such as the one for Popular Photography are just the same.

Have we been forsaken for something newer? I don't subscribe to any of these networks, so I miss seeing people add to the forums.

I might add that I have never been much of a telephone addict. My cell phone is not a "smart" one, as I don't need such stuff to stay in contact. And I don't use it while driving.

Any comments? And don't accuse me of living in the dark ages. Didn't some other people exist before Facebook???


I do not agree dll927. There have recently been numerous conversations on diverse subjects and the jazz section is very much alive and well. Individual posts such as Mikes photos of Dorset show us subjects and locations we might otherwise not see. There are a wealth of talented musicians here some of whom build or repair their own instruments, and share the experience with us. I have been introduced to the pipe organ, an instrument I had no interest in previously. Add to that the humour and warmth shown by the members and you have an ideal forum. They say that you only get out what you put in. I have recently been accused of having Forum Diarrhoea. Maybe I have but I find so much of interest here that I shall continue to suffer from it all the time we have so many great members here.



i THINK THAT PERHAPS IN THE PIPE ORGAN.ELECTRIC ORGAN ETC.. there are few of us these days to post to these forums. Most are into pop,jazz, crossover.progressive styles etc than the classic traditional forms (US...LOL ). Probably go back and forth as far as peak interests goes.... even true in college these days....


Staff member
Here are a few statistics for this forum:

  • Active* members = 613
  • Total Thread Count = 9,905
  • Total Post Count = 132,545
*An active member is defined as the total number of registered users who have logged into this forum in the last 60 days. One does not have to submit posts to be an active member - in fact, we have many who are content with just reading the plethora of discussion we have.

Activity has increased greatly over last year.

  • 2010 Total new registrations: 1,976
  • 2011 Total new registrations: 2,252 (as of Sept 30th)
That's a 39% increase over last year ... this is "net" total - Does not include the 5,450 that we banned (spam) so far this year.

So, we are not a dead forum by any means ... as for Facebook or other social networks, they are basically "post n' chat" places ... here, we get into great discussions, share music, share pictures and vids, etc.

I think that I am more friendly with and more in touch with the people of this forum than I am of those whom I communicate with on Facebook.

We can always encourage "newbs" to participate by welcoming them to our community when they post in the New Members forum area, too.

As many of you know, I am also a forum staff member on our sister forum, Talk Classical ... on that site we have experienced phenomenal growth just this year alone, so much so that we probably need to add two more moderators to keep tabs on all the new activity.

My first forum love though, is this one ... MIMF ... this is where I started in 2006 and have enjoyed it immensely.

Kh :cool:


New member
I am not a member of Facebook or any other "Social Network" and have seen no reason why I would want to be. In fact I have always the Dark Ages to be my favorite period of History. I have never used the camera on my cellphone and only know how to make and answer calls. To be honest I often feel sorry that the telephone was ever invented. I talk on it as little as possible. But I greatly enjoy the interaction on the forum and on TC.


Staff member
Well, I do have a Facebook page, but it's restricted to friends and family only ... and I have a mobile phone, out of necessity really, but I 'talk' to people, I seldom text them, and I do not use it to check emails or surf the web, and I never answer the phone when driving - there is nothing that earth shattering that can't wait 30 minutes or an hour until I can call them back.

I'm personally happy that you have found this forum, Rob ... it's great to have you here, and I too enjoy the interaction with every friend I've met here over the years. :)


I "inherited" a mobile phone when my wife passed away over 3 years ago, so far used to make 2 calls when meeting people, usually stays in the car for use in case of breakdown. I have 8 proper cameras (4 digital 4 film) don't know if the mobile has one.

Faceache, Twatter and similar wastes of bandwidth have no appeal.

I use about a dozen forums (fora? fori?) five I visit at least 2 or 3 times daily, some weekly, and a couple less often like when I have a query. [4 railway, (model and full size) 3 photography, 2 music, 2 gardening, 1 stamp collecting] I have joined and left a few others over the years and got kicked out of one - I complained about a Mod trolling (thou shalt not question those in authority!)

Maybe my title should be changed to resident Grumpy old Fart, however probably not musical enough (except maybe after a can of beans)


New member
Some interesting replies. Yes, I was tallking about the 'pipe organ' forum, as I have about zero interest in jazz and other forms of "popular" music -- if indeed one can call it music.

Some of us have to live with the fact that the majority of people inhabiting the earth don't aspire to much of anything beyond getting through the day. And I don't follow forums on any of the above forms of organized (???) noise.

As for cell phones, yes, I have one, and it does have a camera, which I have used a few times. But I don't need a 2x4-inch computer hanging from my belt, and I'm not much of a social butterfly. So it is convenient but not a full-time necessity. I don't run around with it hanging from my ear all the time.

It can be quite interesting to see what a "thread" on a forum will generate in terms of various replies. It sure proves the idea that we don't all think alike.

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)

I'm happy to be a member here and yes sometimes there's a drop on posts, but this is normal. When something interesting comes up there's a fire spreading around by post after post ! This is what I like too !

This is the best place to be.

Also consider that as a Jazz-ethnic composer and player, I very rarely post on Jazz forum (!!!!!!???), I got so many good friends here... so I 'm stucked :)

I'm on facebook too (my wife insisted...), I got my mobile (just for calls and agenda) and I follow some other lists and places, the best of them is jOrgan list (another good familly there !!!), so I'm copying what Lars said earlier :

"So, we are not a dead forum by any means ... as for Facebook or other social networks, they are basically "post n' chat" places ... here, we get into great discussions, share music, share pictures and vids, etc.

I think that I am more friendly with and more in touch with the people of this forum than I am of those whom I communicate with on Facebook."

Lars I agree 100%.

Best to all

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)

I'm happy to be a member here and yes sometimes there's a drop on posts, but this is normal. When something interesting comes up there's a fire spreading around by post after post ! This is what I like too !

This is the best place to be.

Also consider that as a Jazz-ethnic composer and player, I very rarely post on Jazz forum (!!!!!!???), I got so many good friends here... so I 'm stucked :)

I'm on facebook too (my wife insisted...), I got my mobile (just for calls and agenda) and I follow some other lists and places, the best of them is jOrgan list (another good familly there !!!), so I'm copying what Lars said earlier :

"So, we are not a dead forum by any means ... as for Facebook or other social networks, they are basically "post n' chat" places ... here, we get into great discussions, share music, share pictures and vids, etc.

I think that I am more friendly with and more in touch with the people of this forum than I am of those whom I communicate with on Facebook."

Lars I agree 100%.

Best to all


New member
I like it here, it is very friendly, I have never been on Facebook ot Twitter. I have never felt the need to, I do have a mobile phone, but I keep it mainly for emergencies.

This forum is great whatever music you like, there is every chance to join in with all subjects. I agree that some places never change, I often wonder if people monitor them at all. I was looking at one place on the internet, it seemed that every day new subjects were started and all the ones from the day before were fogotten. I like the fact that here we keep things going, even threads that were started many years ago.



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
I must admit that you see the same posters time and time again in their favorite threads but the same in TC and other forums. We don't seem to have many debates heated or otherwise we must be in the waiting room????


Colin, it is merely my attempt to make my mesage long enough to please the regulators. :);):D



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
I thought it was Welsh for Giffy Glue lofl. a series of dots will do the same ............................
seriously some of our threads do not really lead to interesting discussions e.g "Whats your weather" "what jazz/classical are you listening to" this kind of thing.


No discussions from these threads maybe,but I still enjoy reading about these matters.



White Knight

Spectral Warrior con passion
@ Colin, If you wish to discuss some jazz piece you like in more depth, there are the "rating the jazz piece above me" and "a lovely bit of jazz". Of course, we could always put in an appraisal of what we've listened to on this thread as well, unless there should be any objections--which I highly doubt--from any of our fellow members.