TV Preachers


New member
After watching all of the evangelist on TBN There is one thing that
really puzzles me. I don't want to take words out of content but
the Bible did say to tithe. Everytime I watch a tv preacher they
all ways beg for money wearing the finest cloths you ever saw.
Let me know what you think. Sometimes I wonder if these people
are for real.
judy tooley


New member
Hi Judy

I'm afraid when it comes to TV preachers, I ignore them. All they seem interested in is the money. Not sure they are really as religious as they make out. Trouble is that some people believe everything they tell them. God did not send them to appear on TV and demand money from you.

I have seen so-called preachers who promise they can heal you. Next thing you know someone gets up out of a wheelchair and walks. God does not work like that.

I am very sceptical of them, but that is just my opinion. I would keep my money and give it to my church of I wanted to.



New member
I find Dr. Charles Stanley to be reputable. But yes, some preachers are really flashy. Before I make an opinion on a lot of them, I read the bible to check out discrepancies. But if you are saved and have a relationship with Jesus, then God's spirit in you will witness whether or not that person is speaking the truth.


New member
I agree with Margaret. In the US it seems that so many TV evangalists have preached one thing only to practice another and eventually crash and burn.

Don't forget Judy, there are more ancient texts than the Bible out there. And personally, I don't think the Bible was meant to be taken literally. It is 2000 years old and is a compilation of writings put together by man. If one takes it literally then you would need to stone people to death for eating shellfish. Same holds true for many ancient texts. They ALL need to be brought into the current century and then, perhaps, it would make more sense.


p.s. It only makes sense that those with more should help those with less. :)


Staff member
About the only "honest" TV Evangelist was Billy Graham ... at least imho ... most of the rest all seemed to be in it for personal reasons. Jerry Falwell, who rose to fame and riches, was one who got caught.

I totally agree with Stephen about those with more helping the poor - that, in most people's view is what "ministry" should be about.

A good percentage of my church's weekly offering collection goes to benevolence ... some, of course, must be spent on utilities, staff salaries, office supplies, and building maintenance.


New member
I know what you mean. There are some who are honestly real and
there are some you can tell is a real fake. I know what the bible says.
Remember what Jesus did in temple when he found money changers.
He cleaned house and cleared them out saying,"This is to be a house
of prayer and you turn this into a den of thiefs. I went to a church
like that here in Madisonville. A dollar for this, a dollar for that when
I stood there broke and this was food. This was the first time I had
to give a dollar for a little piece and I mean little piece of apple pie.
This made me angry. You don't just find it on television. It didn't
take me long to leave the place either. The Methodist church I go
to now is a lot different. If you are hungry, they will do what it takes
to find you something to eat. Somebody will even give you the
money if you don't have any way of paying. The Bible talks about
order in the church. I have seen this on television church members
cutting what I call monkey shines and speaking in unknown tongues.
What does the bible say? If someone is speaking differently let
someone translate. If it's not understandable, it's not of God.
Those who get up and tell the future check it out. I know of three
on TV who I consider a false prophet. You can guess who they are.
judy tooley


Admiral of Fugues
I think T.V. preachers need to be dealt some old fashioned, Roman punishment. It also keeps the felines well fed. As to tithing, sorry, but if you're silly enough to give your hard earned money to the church so they can sip their fine wines and wear prada, you're mad. You asked.


New member
All I do is what the Bible says. Not all churches are like that. Mine isn't
like that. Some will help you when you are in a bad situation like I was
last year where. I was stuck in this old house before I moved to this
nice apartment where the neighbor in the front would get drunk and try
to take advantage of me and I was a new Methodist girl. My lady friend
realized what I was living in and the church I belong to got me out of
there real quick. I was in a mess. Ask Krummhorn why I moved. He will
tell you. The situation had me running to the Methodist church in tears
bawling. They even let me play their pipe organ to calm me down.
For real a real christian is not with the attitude they are on top of the
world on their high horse. I have to call myself down sometimes so I
won't act like mud on the stick. God has control of things. If you
really want to see a miracle, watch someone have a baby.
judy tooley


New member
Well said Judy

I am glad you found some genuine people, who practice what God would want them to do.



New member
My preacher looks good on the TV screen because I watch him during
service and I tell him that. I keep telling how he could reach people
If our church had a TV ministry and just broadcast it locally and he
won't. Bro Weyman is so modest that he just looks back at me and
just thanks me When I think it would be a good idea. Just about all
Methodist preachers are that modest. That way I think people would
be able to see just how beautiful our church is and it's antiquity.
The console to the pipe organ and the pipes are right behind him when he
preaches and they are really pretty. Because the pipes look like they
are golden and all of the woodwork behind him. Not all churches you
see on television are that pretty. Rod Parsley's church is way too
modern for my taste even though it's pretty. He has a begging for
money problem like some of the others. My church finances itself
and for my preacher, you won't see him wear a Rolex. His watch
is a regular timex watch.
judy tooley
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New member
Hi Judy

I think your Bro Weyman is right. People should go to church because they are christians, not because someone appears on their tv and asks them to.
I know some churches would like a bigger congregation, but they have to want in their hearts to go.

Before any preacher goes on television, he should be prepared to give himself. Why should he wear fancy clothes, a fancy watch and drive an expensive car? When he expects ordinary people to give.



New member
That is the way Bro. Weyman is. The only thing that is flashy is his
pretty robe he wears. With his olive complexion,he looks great in red
or any other color except brown. He's the only one yet who can pull
off wearing a black shirt and look good in it. He wears just modest
business suits. No designer stuff and his wife and I are buddies.
I can't say that about other preacher's wives.
judy tooley


New member
Its possible that a TV preacher gives plenty of money back but still makes so much that it doesn't show. I was taught as a youngster that you wear your best clothes to church out of a sign of respect, is it possible that the preachers are doing it for the same reason?
I often wonder how much the TV evangelists should make before they would be regarded as "crossing the line"? Giving the impression that the congregation is doing well may possibly inspire confidence in people that the organization is not a fly by night hit and run operation.
Years ago I remember Sally Struthers doing a pitch on TV to help some starving people in Africa. It seemed out of place to me that here is a rich celebrity amongst the poor, and her corpulent body mass indicated that her values were out of line with her cause. In a strange way it also conveyed the message of how well off we are here in North America and that there is plenty of leeway to give something in return for the comparative excess's we indulge in. A double edged sword so to speak.