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    Frederik Magle


'21st Century Bach'


New member
For those resident in the U.K.(or anyone who can receive BBC 2 television) I commend four programmes in the above series which are being transmitted this week : Tonight and tomorrow night at 11.20 p.m.; Wednesday and Thursday nights at 11.25 p.m. The authoritative performances are given by John Scott Whiteley on historic organs and, I think, are essential listening/viewing for all who wish to improve their Bach playing.


New member
Yes, i can second that, after hearing some of the series a few years ago. Wonderful old organs beautifully played by JSW, and some interesting visual effects too! Highly recommended.


Like mathetes, I have seen some JSW clips on Youtube. I like some of them a lot (e.g. BWV 639 or 532), some others a bit less (e.g. BWV 544).

As far as Bach DVDs are concerned, my personal favourite would be Hans-André Stamm in Waltershausen. Just type "bach stamm" into Youtube's search box (without the quotes). An example here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIiU2-JyqsE.

Then, of course, that's just one DVD, whereas JSW is doing the whole Bach, which is quite an impressive task. It's also a good thing that he takes his time to do the job (several years, I believe; I don't know exactly how long). He has also done the DVD in the new Priory series, at "his" organ of York Minster.


New member
Like mathetes, I have seen some JSW clips on Youtube. I like some of them a lot (e.g. BWV 639 or 532), some others a bit less (e.g. BWV 544).

JSW is doing the whole Bach, which is quite an impressive task. It's also a good thing that he takes his time to do the job (several years, I believe; I don't know exactly how long). He has also done the DVD in the new Priory series, at "his" organ of York Minster.

As far as I understand it, it isn't John Scott Whiteley who is taking 'his time to do the job' but the BBC whose intention it is that the series should be on-going over a period of years. Series three currently being broadcast was done two years ago.
JSW's latest DVD was recorded at York Minster last year and is superb.
So is his latest CD on the Regent label which comprises almost entirely, French organ music of the twentieth century including JSW's own transcription of Pierre Cochereau's 1963 Improvised Symphony.


Thanks for pointing out the Regent CD. We already all knew JSW's interest in Joseph Jongen (on whom he has published a monography); I know see from the programme of that CD that his interest in Belgian music doesn't stop there: there probably aren't even many Belgian organists who play Maurice Guillaume, Joris Verdin, or Désiré Pâque, let alone all three!

As for the BBC series, do you mean that JSW has already finished the whole job and that the BBC is getting it out of their freezer piece by piece as needed?


New member
Thanks for pointing out the Regent CD.
As for the BBC series, do you mean that JSW has already finished the whole job and that the BBC is getting it out of their freezer piece by piece as needed?

No, I do not mean that the whole job has been finished, although it may have been. I just do not know.
The programmes, however, (at the end of each) show Series 3 and the appendage: BBC MMVII. So they were obviously done two years ago. What I do know is that John Scott Whiteley himself does not know WHEN the programmes are going to be transmitted until they actually are.
I attended a Messiaen Centenary Concert he gave last year in Leeds Town Hall at which he announced that he did not know when the third series were to be broadcast but he advised people to keep on the look out around Easter time. Apparently, the BBC do not notify him when they are to be shown.


New member
I've seen this on you tube too just two years ago. It refreshed my
memory some. Are the keys a regular size are small?


New member
I've seen this on you tube too just two years ago. It refreshed my
memory some. Are the keys a regular size are small?

I've no idea whether or not the keys are the same size as those on modern instruments. I've never played any of the instruments used in this series.
Perhaps there is a Forum member who has and who may be able to enlighten us.


New member
I have seen the complete first and second series and invested in the dvd's as well. I only came across the current series by chance through channel hoping on Sky +. You have to keep your eyes and ears open because the BBC dont exactly shout about it and the series loink on Sky+ only works for the current run


New member
I have seen the complete first and second series and invested in the dvd's as well. I only came across the current series by chance through channel hoping on Sky +. You have to keep your eyes and ears open because the BBC dont exactly shout about it and the series loink on Sky+ only works for the current run

Hi Parison!

Glad to hear you discovered the latest series in time. You are right : the BBC do not seem to highlight the series in advance or even when they are being broadcast. They don't seem to inform even John Scott Whiteley himself when programmes are to be transmitted. I'm now looking for the next lot of programmes, but I suppose it will be some time before they appear.
I, too, have the 1st and 2nd series on DVD. I find the additional information on them interesting, particularly details of the registrations JSW uses.
Best wishes.


New member

For those who would like to know, a new DVD issue of John Scott Whiteley's '21st Century Bach' is due for release by Signum Vision on 29th June. I think there are two DVDs in the issue and they are of John Scott Whiteley's latest broadcast programmes from earlier this year. I've already pre-ordered mine.


there probably aren't even many Belgian organists who play Maurice Guillaume

Well, it seems there is at least one, after all: Jean-Philippe Merckaert has devoted a CD to organ works of Maurice Guillaume, played at the Delmotte organ in Auvelais. It has been published by "Le Chant de Linos", a small Belgian label which does not seem to be particularly well distributed, though you can find the CD at some of the big online sellers.