Recent content by lightparabol

  1. Ayoe Angelica - Music Video

    This newly created music video for the nice and beautiful singer Ayoe Angelica was conceived recently. I wanted to post it here to get your feedback. I tried to reach some common ground in between artistic and commercial. Hope you like it and your...
  2. Music vid

    Here is a rough cut of a small childrens movie I am working on at the moment. It is called Bobos Star, and is about a boy who builds his own Star. Unfortunately the movie is not subtitled and is in Danish. The link does not have unlimited...
  3. Lightparabol joined

    Hey everybody, You might wonder - what is a lightparabol? Lightparabol (sb.) The curved piece of metal, a.k.a. the reflector, situated behind the lamp to increase the lamps output and control the degree of radiance. This is a self invented word - the word exists in Danish, but would be...