Recent content by mutzik57

  1. mixing several pipes from different samples set in a new one

    Hi all, I will retire next year and have a projekt to build a (at leat) 3 manual Hauptwerk / GrandOrgue home organ (without pedalboard in the first time) I've plenty of free sample sets but would have to pick up samples from one set, some others from another and put them all in a new one...
  2. external sound card for laptop with microphone entry

    Hi all, I'm part of an association wich gives some musical concerts, and the money we receive is for buying some medical material for our local hospital. We ask doctors and nurse what the needs are. So back to this subject, I've discovered grandorgue, it's really more than nice, so I've...
  3. Hi all music fans !

    My name is Bertrand. I'm an (old-58years) church organ player since a little bit more than 40 years, in east of France I try to write as good as possible with my poor english.:o I just discover this marvelous forum a few days ago, while I was searching for grandorgue and sample sets. Looking...