Search results

  1. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    GO 1471 error 6

    Hi I'm testing GO latest build 1471 x64 and getting this error messages which were not present on the same sets on 1437. 13/12/2013 10:14:05 πμ: Can not wait for thread termination (error 6: ο δείκτης χειρισμού δεν είναι έγκυρος.) 13/12/2013 10:14:05 πμ: Couldn't terminate thread (error 6: ο...
  2. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    The Viola Organista of Leonardo DaVinci

    I'm speachless..... Take a look, I know we all want one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sound is soooooo good Best Panos
  3. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    Wasselonne Silbermann for Hauptwerk 3/4

    Hi everyone, Joseph did publish the latest jeuxdorgues 3 sample set ! It's the J.A.Silbermann 3m/p organ in Wasselonne, France, a sample set for Hauptwerk ( works on both v3 and v4 and free versions). Superb. No words. I did some...
  4. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    GO 1306 x64 crashing after loading a set

    Hi, As the title says, I installed latest 1306 x64 and loaded my Donat 1700 set (see the thread here) which loads fast in a few secs, as usual with all previous GO builds and it's good for testing fast new GO builds. This time it surprised me as immediately after set was loaded GO 1306 crashed...
  5. Ghekorg7 (Ret)


    Hi, Thank you Devs for this new version. Some observations. I saw that loading a set it writes the cache too. Good, but also we can disable this by unclicking the auto function... better ! Issue : You know the clavichord example I uploaded here in another thread. On this I had updated cache...
  6. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    Old HW1/GO sets and case sensitive systems

    Hi everyone, Is there any friend who solved the log warning in latest GO 1261 that for example 060-c is not compatible with case sensitive systems? There are many older HW1/MO/GOo1-o2 compatible sets that give this log warning in new GO builds. Playing them with the older software is not a...
  7. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    Clean Clavichord odf for GO 1261 and above using velocity

    Hi everyone, I attach a "clean" odf so any friend who needs help with log warnings can see how I managed to solve some of them. Also can see how velocity is used in the new GO so we can get a clavichord type of instrument at last, playing piano and mezzo and forte. As samples I used the once...
  8. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    GO 0306 1086 to 1087 what's new ?

    Hi, I uninstalled 1086 and got myself the 1087. All clear. Everything plays well and stable. Joy. I got some very small issues though when going from JLD to "e" versions and vice versa. Win7 x64. Mainly I have to delete all previous shortcuts ect as GO exe on JLD is on main folder, in "e" 's...
  9. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    Paradigma 1 updated for jOrgan 3.17

    Hi, Two years after its first release as an example (paradigma in Greek) of what we can do with jOrgan, I updated Paradigma 1 disposition to jOrgan v3.17 standards. On site you can listen (better download...) to "Branle des Basques" by L.Couperin as I played with this model and Jack for...
  10. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    Grand Orgue : Creating Mixtures and more, free odf

    Greetings to all GrandOrgue fans !:wave: There are times when we got a great sample set but with few ranks, most times without any kinda mixtures or even without any pedal ranks. Borrowing ranks from another set is a solution, but will not have the same sound character, especially if the set in...
  11. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    César Franck – Prelude, Fugue et Variation, Op. 18

    Hi there everyone, I owe this to my Br.CD :-) He told me and insisted long ago to try Franck.... and he was right 100% This is the first time I try Franck and I'm soooo addicted to this piece... It keeps sounding in my head for weeks during and after recording. I can't get it of my mind...
  12. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    HarmonicNumber in GO 03 (temperaments)

    Hi, Temperaments in new GO can't work with any sample set. First needed that the samples have inside them the relative pitch information and second one must add some (or many..) lines in the .organ file. The basic line is : HarmonicNumber= This line is added in the odf just before the samples...
  13. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    GrandOrgue v0.3.0.6 x86 & x64 is up !

    There maybe members and visitors not being aware off. GrandOrgue version 0306 is available for Download and enjoy playing ! Here : You'll see 0305 on this download page, but opening the file (commit 991)...
  14. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    Hammond L-122 VST !

    Hi everyone. We all know NI B4 MkII as a great VST reproduction of the legendary B3. There is also a very good reproduction of the also legendary but not so known to some, L-122. Best used by Tony Banks with Genesis' early albums before turning to T-102. Here ...
  15. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    St.Maximine - Isnard Organ : What a beauty !

    It's a very well known, multi covered "subject"... but, Seeing Pierre Bardon play, explain everything and then seeing him perform and listening to the from console sounds..... I just fell deeply in love with this instrument. A magnificent beauty. What you think? Here ...
  16. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    GrandOrgue v0305 multi releases and more - free odf

    Hi everyone, I attach an .organ file for an imaginary Arp Schnitger 1720 village organ for testing and experimental purposes, as many friends ask about how to get multi releases function of GO workin', but also tracker, blower and other fx. You will need the samples (and create the rank...
  17. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    German speaking Grand Orgue forum

    Hi, Though I do not speak German I found this very interesting forum : Seems that GO is spreading its wings :-) :-) Nice
  18. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    Help with stops/ranks/division disposition :-)

    Hi, I didn't post this on electronics forum as I need help from the real thing players... he he With all the latest improvements on GrandOrgue software, I decided to construct for my own use a French Romantic 2m/p set from Caen samples, which on the demo set I got are dispersed randomly...
  19. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    Bach's 327th birthday anniversary

    Hi everyone, Please accept my humble contribution to J.S.Bach's 327th birthday anniversary (today), by playing his eternal Pastorale BWV590. Organ is the Jorgensen tribute one for Hauptwerk 4. Here's the link : Info on how this piece is...
  20. Ghekorg7 (Ret)

    New Jack for windows 1.9.9 beta !

    Hi everyone, Stephane informed about a new Jack for windows version, beta 1.9.9, which probably has corrected the infinite row of error 1552 ect (which in fact had not any effect on performance whatsoever). Two sub versions as usual : Pure 32bit ...