Search results

  1. New 17 year old member - glad to be here!

    Hi, my name is Aske and I come from Denmark and this is actual the first forum i've ever been part of and so far i think it's very interesting! :) I come from a family which has always been affected by music. My mom and dad did music for a living when i was kid back in the 90's with their band...
  2. Laid back elektronisk hip-hop remix

    Hej! Jeg har lavet dette remix af en sang som mine to efterskolevenner lavede som OSO projekt i 10 kl. Jeg hørte det og syntes at der var nogle ret interessante elementer i nummeret, så jeg beholdte sangen, introen og würlitzeren og begyndte ellers derfra at lege lidt med det hele. Det blev så...
  3. Laid back electronic hip-hop remix

    Hi! I made this remix of a song which was originally produced by 2 of my friends for a school project. I heard it and thought that some of it sounded interesting and had some potential, so i kept the singer and the keys and started to "play with it". :) I used Logic Pro8, I am 17 and it was...