A heart-rendering topic I have questions about, Autism and Down Syndrome

John Watt

This link is for a news article about the rise of autism in the United States.
It says in 2,000, one in every 150 Americans was diagnosed with a form of autism.
Now, in 2018. it's one in every 59, saying it's a surge that the health system isn't prepared for.

Down Syndrome was something that American media began portraying over twenty years ago.
That's an easy medical problem to portray as Down Syndrome people,
because, as they say, " they look the same".
Having a person with Down Syndrome as part of a family in a TV show was a big deal.
That is also increasing in the United States.

This link describes a families' ordeal with their son and the medical system.
I'm not sure what causes it, knowing both of these are genetic,
but what is altering genes so much in America it's becoming an ordinary thing?
There are links to four other autism articles, but I didn't look.

I'm not seeing either of these in English speaking foreign movies or TV episodes,
so I'm not sure if this is a North American phenomenon or if it's global.

This is when it hurts my feelings, watching an American movie or TV show,
and someone in the family is watching an autism sports team or playground activities,
a casual thing for a family member, just not seeing that around here.
And that's as much about people wanting autism and Down Syndrome people to live lives like theirs.

What in the world can be possibly altering genes in all kinds of genetic people,
where children with Down Syndrome can look the same?
I have the same question about the same inner world that autism people share.

If I'm asking about these serious "diseases", I also have to add about life in the Niagara Peninsula.
Adults who over-use drugs and alcohol to the point where they can't walk,
get a choice of many kinds of electric chairs, all subsidized by the government.
There is also a, oh no, huge percentage of obese people who use electric chairs.
Some chairs are so fast people ride them along the side of the road with traffic,
and go back and forth to neighbouring cities.
Plug stations, so you can charge up, are popping up all over.

It's not proper, building a society of dependents with severe medical problems,
when you aren't defining the cause, working for a cure, or putting people in rehab.
The Province of Ontario borrows over seven billion dollars a year,
from a financial institution in the United States,
to pay disability and welfare to people who can't or who don't want to work.
That doesn't include funding for Down Syndrome and autism.
Creating a sub-culture of dependent people for jobs and product provider profiteering is so American.
I hope you're not thinking that being too healthy is a problem. Sometimes I do.



There is a lot of controversy about vaccines causing autism and other defects. I think I could well believe that considering the amount of stuff they put into it.
I think president Trump's young son suffers some degree of autism and that is why he is opposed to these vaccines.
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John Watt

Wow! All those shots by the age of six.
I can't remember being a baby, but I remember grade school shots.
My parents weren't happy about that but we had to get them.
I talk about my ancestors not going through the Dark Ages, where medicine works different on us.
I caught a mild form of the Beubonic Plague after being immunized at school in grade two.
That was one big needle in the middle with six smaller needles around it in a circle.
Some people still have that scar showing on their arms after all this time.

If I can ask, is this a chart you have that you scanned?
It looks really good, no background with it.


New member
Elderpiano, I too am curious as to where the chart has come from. Don't know how it compares to UK practice.

John Watt

If there's one thing you have to consider when it comes to vaccine injections, it's medical fraud.
That's huge here in Ontario and the United States, the entire pharmaceutical industry being accused.
The most recent example here in Ontario is annual flu shots, something the government decided to sponsor.
Of course, right away, friends of government, and here in Ontario, many Americans coming over,
set up this flu shot program. By the time the first year went by there were no clinics or doctors giving shots.
So they used this same serum the next year, when in reality, it's a new version of the flu each year.
People were getting serious flu symptoms because they were getting last years flu, if they didn't have it.
Signs like blowing leaves try to attract people to stop in for a free flu shot while they wait.

Another thing, and what worries me, and that includes Autism and Down Syndrome and all others,
is the fact that industrial medical care only wants to provide medication that treats the symptoms, not the cause.
All the physical problems, and new ones, that mankind can have are only getting worse,
here in North America, unless you are living with the Inuit or Haida up north in pure nature.
It's worth it, living apart from humanity in the cold, if you never get sick.

John Watt

Ella Beck! I wasn't making any links between autism and Down Syndrome,
just including them again as part of my original thread theme.

I can tell you that only eating meat, or having only few seasonal vegetables to eat,
isn't making the evolution of the Inuit any better.
They are all very short with round and very wrinkled faces, some almost looking like seals.
That might make me look bad here, but that's a common thing to say up there.

Any meat is food that is already pre-digested.
Your digestive system can't take that and make it into the chemicals your body needs.
Inuit have to eat the eyes, the brains, the tongues, all of it, to find those chemicals.
And that's still from different species.
It was beginning to understand and see this that made me decide to be a vegetarian in 1970.
No, I've never thrown away meat that came with food I was given to eat.

As musicians, I implore you not to drink milk.
Here in North America, it's generally understood you get arthritis in you fingers and lower back as aging.
That's not true. The calcium in cow milk starts to build up in your fingers and lower back first.
When the boutique doctor in Toronto, a fan of my Stratocaster, told me about this,
he said don't worry, you'll feel some pain in your fingers and lower back at first, but it will go away.
That happened, but then my fingers and lower back were looser. Even my girlfriend noticed.

That boutique doctor was ambitious. He saw me walking past with my Stratocaster slung over my shoulder,
so he invited me over and talked to me for free. He said when I hit it big come back as a customer.

Ella Beck, when it comes down to any kind of health and my Sons and Daughters of the Gael ancestry,
I draw the line at did your ancestors go through the Dark Ages.
Over here, there are so many immigrants from tropical and southern countries who didn't do that,
lively and fresh and full of life, also the people who are up front behind the mike and entertaining.
I'm always introducing myself as a Son of the Gael so I have a chance of being accepted.

Inuit also don't live long lives, and that's what life is all about, or it should be.
It is worth it, living in a world far beyond technology, hearing the great spirit passing by,
and living in a pure nature. It's a reality even Canadian media don't display properly.
Creating a new province so those northern peoples can be properly represented.
Global people might think the Canadian government, or any government, can't really help native peoples.
Scottish civil servants in Ontario, doing census and spreading health aids to the Inuit,
showed them soapstone and gave them their first tools to carve it. That carving isn't traditional.
I'm using that example because I'm sure you've seen Inuit or Inuit style carvings where you are.
Now, I can't tell the difference between Inuit soapstone and modern Chinese plastic imitations.
Here's a cut and paste about it.

Nunavut is a massive, sparsely populated territory of northern Canada, forming most of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
Its islands have expanses of tundra, craggy mountains and remote villages, accessible only by plane or boat.
It's known for its indigenous Inuit people's artwork, carvings and handmade clothing.
Inuit art is displayed at the Nunatta Sunakkutaangit Museum in the capital, Iqaluit, on Baffin Island.


Ella Beck! Please don't think I'm asking you to take a lick on my icicle, or sugar maple sapcicle.
I'm into this because I was up there, even making it out onto Arctic ice with an Inuit elder,
far beyond the sight of any land. I simply had no idea where I was when he finally stopped.
And it's still taking me living my life to think of everything he said so I could understand.
As far as Inuit culture, I don't think I could live in a land without any musical instruments.