

Came across the following. As I consider it a good idea I thought I would share it. Any comments or further ideas?
The Urine test.(This was written by a rig worker in the North Sea -

In order to earn that pay cheque, I work on a rig for a drilling contractor. I am required to pass a random urine test for drugs and alcohol, with which I have no problem.

What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.

Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a benefits cheque, because I have to pass one to earn it for them?

Please understand that I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet.

I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sit on their arse, drinking beer and smoking dope.

Could you imagine how much money the government would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a benefit cheque?

Please pass this along if you agree or simply delete it if you don't.

Hope you will pass it along though, because something has to change in the UK , and soon!



Added to that I would suggest that unless they can produce genuine evidence of inability to do anything beyond breathing then if they can't/won't find work then they must do 30 or 40 hours of supervised community service before qualifying for benefits. There are plenty of tasks that need doing which can quite easily be done by anybody.

If they are genuinely able to prove they are looking for work then maybe a few hours less community service for the first month or two.

Enforced birth control after second child (tubes tied). Most benefits should be paid in food/clothing/cleaning product vouchers instead of cash, vouchers not valid for tobacco or alcohol products. For some the stigma of paying with vouchers would be an incentive to find work.

More drastic measures could include reduction of benefits proportional to how much overweight, and/or alcohol/tobacco consumption levels, number and size of car(s) (how can you afford 2 flash cars on benefits - some do). Clamp down on unrecorded cash in hand jobs, bars, cafe/restaurant staff, cleaning etc. Fit 'em all with electronic tagging, if they regularly spend time in the same premises, suspect they may be working there - investigate further.

I've known more than one family on benefits where one or both worked at catering jobs and drew benefits and made no secret of it among the neighbours.


When they started paying the illegal immigrants in vouchers down our way they used to stand outside the supermarkets flogging them off so they could buy booze and ciggies. As far as paying British people in vouchers I think you would find it breached their human rights by making them feel inferior. How about an island surrounded by sharks and dump the whole lot there and let them raise their own food. Bags I be governor. :devil:



New member
I agree something has to be done, it seems too easy to get benefits. When I was unemployed I did everything I could to get a job, some people on the other hand did nothing. If you go to our local job centre you see a works van pull up, people jump out, go in to sign on and then get back in the van and I expect return to work. People who are caught fiddling should be made to pay all the money back, even if it means working for nothing untill it is done.

I agree with Mike there are many things that the genuine unemployed and the work shy could do. No trying to find a job and doing something useful should equal no benefits, obviously I do not include those who through health and disibility cannot work.


I fully agree with all of you. Is a problem here in USA too. Has came up here to be voted on by powers to be:but nothing happens yet..even to doing community service type stuff to get county/state assistance if able to work.


Staff member
Locally, we have people working in our thrift [charity] shop that are working off 'time' for offenses they've committed ... I mean, offenses like traffic tickets - we are never in danger of having a totally deranged person working along side of us ... since we are an authorized and tax exempt store, we qualify as a charitable organization and those who need to do "community service" can work their time off - without pay, of course ... we are all volunteers at that shop ... well, I'm paid to do the books, but it is a pittance and just covers my petrol costs.

I truly believe that our government is blinded by all the "freebies" they keep handing out, and at the same time, raise the working class peoples taxes to compensate for paying out those freebies that mostly go unchecked and never audited. Too many people are on the free ride who are able to work for a living just like the rest of us honest people. They've learned how to 'work the system' to their benefit ... right under the politicians noses, too.

There are, and I realize this, people who are disabled and cannot work on a regular basis, but then there are those who "claim" to be disabled that clearly are not. Seeing the moron who parks in a handicapped space with the handicap plate or placard, and then bounds out of the car and runs into a store just fries my gut ... using the 'system' to their advantage, and without any morals, or oblivious to what it looks like to others - they care only about themselves.

At one point in my life, I was on food stamps - it was a very degrading thing to experience as I had always paid my own way - but due to circumstances totally beyond my control, and in a very depressed community job wise, with the nearest other town some 30 miles away - we accepted the food stamps program, or face starvation.

The looks we got and the very rude comments we got from other shoppers when using those at the checkout when we bought meat and other staples ... like we were supposed to survive on bread and water while on food stamps in their eyes ... We weren't abusing the system ... it was the very last option for us.

I couldn't wait to get off that program, and did eventually as another line of work opened up for us - albeit as motor-carriers for a huge daily newspaper. Fun delivering newspapers in the dark of night between midnight and dawn - it was a small town of 8,500 people.

If our government officials would actually leave their ivory towers and take a tour of those in the trenches, they would have a much better understanding of the systems in place, or lack of those. We citizens struggle daily to meet the rising costs of everything - petrol, groceries, sundries, clothing, medical care, etc - yet our politicians, whose wages are paid from taxes (we citizens) get all these "perks" for next to nothing, or at zero cost, and their own pension plan totally apart from Social Security (again funded by taxpayers). It surely isn't fair, but there is not much I can do about it, except maybe move to Denmark or the UK, which probably have much of the same problems anyway - as I gather from the previous postings.

Kh :cool:

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
The "welfare crackheads" just drain the health and social services sector very quickly, and then........They're gone.............


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Yep take away all benefits, user pays all the way, a uniform flat tax rate, save for your own retirement that is the way we are headed, and double pay for politicians every 2 years, make prisons so unpleasant that no one would want to come back and delete all left handed people :mad:


Yep take away all benefits, user pays all the way, a uniform flat tax rate, save for your own retirement that is the way we are headed, and double pay for politicians every 2 years, make prisons so unpleasant that no one would want to come back and delete all left handed people :mad:

Wot abaht the ambidextrous?


I'd give my right arm.................................................................

teddy ('armless teddy)


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
I can't remember the author but there is a saying that if all differences between people were eliminated, human nature being what it is we would find some difference that we could use as an excuse to pick or intimidate a group or sector, if you get my meaning


I have been reading about a certain person who has been deported, at last, to stand trial in America. Yes, after eight years of appeals he has gone. Hook line and sinker. Now he will find out what prison should be like. Not a sodding hotel with internet in the cells and newspapers delivered but a proper punishment. I have been reading about the high security prison he is in, and it made my heart glad.



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
How about the poor girl that was shot in the head by the taliban (note no capital letter) for wanting education for women, what is wrong with these cowardly inbreds???