Copycat vandalism?

John Watt

Silly me? How silly are you?
As a matter of fact,
how exerienced are you?

Just asking.

I'm also asking, is my posting here an act of copycat fandalism?
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All this scum out on the streets cheering the death of Mrs Thatcher is copy cat at its worst. Most of them too young to remember her.



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
All this scum out on the streets cheering the death of Mrs Thatcher is copy cat at its worst. Most of them too young to remember her.

Yeh in the good old days we could send them to Aussie. Now we could send them to N Korea
I've heard from reliable sources that Maggie has aparently closed 3 furnaces in hell already.

Also, She live so long you know that as she closed so much of british steel she couldnt find abucket to kick. :grin:

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At least she stopped us being ruled by the extreme left and at the mercy of the unions. The announcement that half the coal fields were to close was made BEFORE she was elected, not afterwards.


Ella Beck

It does seem to me that 'copycats' can set out to be in fashion by vandalising etc. We human beings are very suggestible. Look at how, if a young person commits suicide, it can lead to a spate of young suicides. The press are very chary about how they report suicides now.