Yesterday evening, while I was away unfortunately, the disk of my dedicated web-server began to malfunction - taking down both Magle International Music Forums and When I arrived home a little before midnight I noticed something was wrong and tried to restart the server (after a failed attempt to get MySQL running again). It would not start and I lost all contact with it in the attempt - all my sites were down 
Turns out the main hard drive had died. Beyond repair. But even worse, the daily backup from yesterday (the 26th) had gone wrong (Bad luck)! So it could not be easily fixed without loosing several days of forum activity.
Data had to be manually salvaged from the disk and installed on a new disk on a new system. Luckily the database for Magle International Music Forums could be salvaged with no errors, but no such luck with that database can be mostly read but not written to yet, and no one - including myself - can log in.
If any good will come from this mess, at least I will get a new server somtime next week. A brand new server, with more RAM, storage, and processor power which should speed up things compared to before and allow for other improvements as well. Oh, and it will be running as RAID 1 so a single disk malfunction will not be able to take down the whole thing...
Hopefully this nightmare will be over soon.
All the best,
Turns out the main hard drive had died. Beyond repair. But even worse, the daily backup from yesterday (the 26th) had gone wrong (Bad luck)! So it could not be easily fixed without loosing several days of forum activity.
Data had to be manually salvaged from the disk and installed on a new disk on a new system. Luckily the database for Magle International Music Forums could be salvaged with no errors, but no such luck with that database can be mostly read but not written to yet, and no one - including myself - can log in.
If any good will come from this mess, at least I will get a new server somtime next week. A brand new server, with more RAM, storage, and processor power which should speed up things compared to before and allow for other improvements as well. Oh, and it will be running as RAID 1 so a single disk malfunction will not be able to take down the whole thing...
Hopefully this nightmare will be over soon.
All the best,