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    Frederik Magle


GO midi output


New member
Yep, I know it would have a period, like 1.96 for D, but this is how it was on ArtMedia's site a couple of years back and as I found out even today prof. H.Maier gives the same numbers. That's why I posted as I found it.

So I'm guessing must be : 0, 0.82, 1.96, 2.94, 3.92, 4.97, 5.85, 6.98, 7.80, 8.93, 9.96, 10.91

If you select equal temperament, reset all tuning settings in the organ dialog to the default and then add the number of the matching semitone to the tuning value of all pipes, you could test it with GO [036-C.wav +0, 037-C#.wav +0.82, ...048-C.wav + 0, 049-C#.wav + 0.82, ...]. This is lots of work, therefore I would only test it on parts of one stop.
You can't simply copy the offsets into the tuning fields, as the tuning values are relative. The meaning of 0 is ODF dependend. The default values correspond to the selected tuning (=equal temperament). Therefore it is really important to reset to the defaults and then add the offsets.

The resulting tuning would be:
C 0 cent (relative to C)
C# 100.82 cent relative to C
D 201.96 cent relative to C
D# 302.94 cent relative to C
E 403.92 cent relative to C
F 504.97 cent relative to C
F# 605.85 cent relative to C
G 706.98 cent relative to C
G# 807.80 cent relative to C
A 908.93 cent relative to C
A# 1009.96 cent relative to C
H 1110.91 cent relative to C

That seems quite strange to me. Could you please, if that is really the temperament, you intended.

Also I'm not sure to which category to apply..... It sounds like a 4th comma, but it plays good and Fm/Cm/Bbm/C and close to Wolf an Em/B. Quiorin was the brand that made the restoration in the 20th century, so it's not the original tuning I suppose.
But it looks like an evolving scale for zero to ten accordingly to C~B (?) Nevertheless it sounds very peculiar and characteristic at 415Hz.

You need to take a decision.

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hi Lars, "e"

Thank you very much for your replies and invaluable information.

Yep, the base thing is the relative note to start, ie A or C I understand. When working temperaments with Kontakt's script it has the flexibility of choosing the base note. GO's based on A=440 so yes it's the +7 to add.

Lars you're right, it exists (ooops !!) on.... Well Temperate Group. So many in there I haven't try them all yet !!!!!!!

"e" your method is very helpful to test it. I can do the middle octave of a Montre8 from 060-C to 072-C and see if it sounds the same. I've got the original HW1 set also and can do a comparison ;-)

All my best


New member
I only consider TDM64 (= mingw-w64) as supported for building Win32 and Win64 version.
I've dropped TDM a few months ago. My toolchain is indeed TDM64. My error.

WASAPI should be buildable with TDM64 (try -DPROPERTYKEY_DEFINED as compiler flag). If you hit another error, I need all compiler errors.
Just tried 64 bits with
cmake \path\to\GO_sources -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DUNICODE=1 -DSTATIC=1 -DwxWidgets_ROOT_DIR=\path\to\wxWidgets -DDOCBOOK_DIR=\path\to\docbook-xsl -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-DPROPERTYKEY_DEFINED" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-DPROPERTYKEY_DEFINED"

Compiling RtAudio gets a bunch of warnings; GO seems to build OK.
Same thing when building in 32 bits.

I'll rebuild the packages and upload again tomorrow or day after tomorrow