I love the layout of this site! Excellent. I have a few things to share as far as an introduction, here they are in order of my favorite:
I have some songs based on the 7 chakras and 7 notes correlation, Major scale has 3-4 to heart and 7-8 crown to next step synced, Lydian 'raises the heart chakra' with 4-5 and 7-8 synced, then the Melodic Minor has 3 'leading tones,' one 2-3, one 5-6 and one 7-8. I explore these using do-re-mi, chakra sounds and other ideas here: http://Givnology.com/compose.htm
I like to create 'venues' or 'portals' where people can create their own multimedia, here is an example of this welcome present (he he..): http://inersha.com/wellbein/eric0101.htm
I am creating the CD inserts for my CDs, 1.5MB Word files: http://Inersha.com/purelove.doc http://Inersha.com/jumpupst.doc and http://Inersha.com/worldsou.doc and I am so happy to be describing all of the 'inside jokes' or forms and musical techniques in each song!
I have 'continuous play' web designs like http://Inersha.com and http://Givnology.com/compose.htm
There are other things like a guitar tablature font you'll see in the CD inserts that I wouldn't mind sharing, I'll insert the picture of one in the next post "Ice Cream Chords."
I think that's more than enough hello for now eh? Nice place you have got here! Peace and harmony to all.
I love the layout of this site! Excellent. I have a few things to share as far as an introduction, here they are in order of my favorite:
I have some songs based on the 7 chakras and 7 notes correlation, Major scale has 3-4 to heart and 7-8 crown to next step synced, Lydian 'raises the heart chakra' with 4-5 and 7-8 synced, then the Melodic Minor has 3 'leading tones,' one 2-3, one 5-6 and one 7-8. I explore these using do-re-mi, chakra sounds and other ideas here: http://Givnology.com/compose.htm
I like to create 'venues' or 'portals' where people can create their own multimedia, here is an example of this welcome present (he he..): http://inersha.com/wellbein/eric0101.htm
I am creating the CD inserts for my CDs, 1.5MB Word files: http://Inersha.com/purelove.doc http://Inersha.com/jumpupst.doc and http://Inersha.com/worldsou.doc and I am so happy to be describing all of the 'inside jokes' or forms and musical techniques in each song!
I have 'continuous play' web designs like http://Inersha.com and http://Givnology.com/compose.htm
There are other things like a guitar tablature font you'll see in the CD inserts that I wouldn't mind sharing, I'll insert the picture of one in the next post "Ice Cream Chords."
I think that's more than enough hello for now eh? Nice place you have got here! Peace and harmony to all.