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    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


My Organ Project - Moller Opus 11045


New member
I just brought a retired 2-manual Moller pipe organ console back to life using the HWCE MIDI Encoder Bundle #3 from MIDI Gadges Boutique and MyOrgan. It took about a month working nights and weekends to complete the project. My intention from the beginning of the project was to incorporate as much of the console's stop control functionality as possible and to produce a virtual organ that stayed true to the original instrument. Here is a stop list:

Subbass - 16'
Principal - 8'
Nachthorn - 4'
Fagot - 16'
Fagot - 4'
Swell-Pedal - 4'

Rohrflote - 8'
Viole De Gambe - 8'
Viole Celeste - 8'
Flachflote - 4'
Principal - 2'
Quintflote - 1 1/3'
Trompette - 8'
Swell - 16'
Swell - 4'

Principal - 8'
Spitzflote - 8'
Octave - 4'
Hohlflote - 2'
Mixture III
Great - 4'
Swell-Great - 16'
Swell-Great - 4'

Toe Pistons

In order to enable the Zimbelstern and to incorporate the original hardware for the swell expression pedal, I had to create a couple of circuit boards. For the Zimbelstern, I used some solid state relays to imitate the console's "piston to stop control" functionality. The expression pedal was a bit of a challenge. It consists of 10 contacts that would open and close the enclosure shades. To replicate this stepped-effect and to avoid using a potentiometer, I used an array of fixed resistors that sub-divided the 2K to 10K range by a factor of 10. Both of the homemade circuit boards are working very well.

I opted for using the MyOrgan software because it's FREE!!! After doing my research, I felt it would accommodate all of my needs for this console. The most difficult part was trying to locate a FREE sample set of pipes that would match the stops as close as possible. I was able to do so using the St. Mary Clone set by Graham Harrison. The Zimbelstern came from Brett Milan and was posted on one of the Hauptwerk forums.

The cost of this project in total was about $750 USD. This includes the cost of the console and its transportation.

I have to admit... I am not in any way an organist or any kind of a keyboard player. I am actually more of an electronics hobbyist. After a couple of semesters of class piano in college, I attempted to teach myself a few hymns on the campus chapel's pipe organ. The problem I kept running into was finding time to practice while no one else was in the chapel praying. Now, with my virtual pipe organ, I can practice all I want!

Attached are a few pictures of my console project...
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New member

This looks awesome! Can you share a little more detail on the Expression Pedal solution that uses resistors instead of a potentiometer? That sounds like something I might want to try too.
I've made my own MIDI boards using PIC16F877s for a couple of projects (Pedal boards and console conversions), but have not done Swell/Expression stuff yet.
What are you doing for reverb (as the StMaryClone has none)?

Have fun!


Nice project. What you have done is noteworthy. I am an user of Myorgan too and an electronician as you. good luck.


New member
More on the Expression Pedal...

Thank you all for your kind and encouraging comments!

The circuit I designed for the expression pedal is based on parallel resistors. Since my swell pedal had 10 contacts, and the HWCE board required a 10K-ohm potentiometer to control the enclosure, I subdivided the range equally by 10. I contacted Jordan at MIDI Gadgets Boutique, and he informed me that the HWCE potentiometer contacts require a maximum resistance of 10K-ohms (shades open) and a minimum resistance of 2K-ohms (shades closed). Therefore, I needed to create 10 steps over 8K-ohms of resistance or 0.8K-ohms per step. The challenge was to identify the resistor values that would give me stepped resistance values of 10K, 9.2k, 8.4K, etc. I Googled a parallel resistor calculator to get the ideal values for each resistor. I then ordered the closest available valued resistors from DigiKey. The method I used to design this circuit board would work for expression pedals with fewer contacts. Attached is a (bad) picture of the back of the expression pedals and a PDF file showing a schematic of the circuit along with a resistance table.

I also have a crescendo pedal on the console, but it was hard-wired to the specific stops it was meant to control. I placed this second expression pedal on my virtual console for display only.


New member
Hi Jay,
Thanks for the information and the pics :) Hopefully I'll be able to adapt this for my setup sometime in February. Excellent stuff!


May be you do not know : there is a small printed circuit board, called PEDSCAN (sold 40 Euros by roman SOWA) that allow you to midifie a pedalboard up to 32 notes and includes an input for midifying a swell pedal (or any potentiometer from 1 K to about 50 K). This PEDSAN is fully programmable.


New member

The HWCE can also support expression pedals using a potentiometer. However, I did not want to add a mechanical arm and cam to the console in order to connect a potentiometer. Instead, I created a stepped-potentiometer (if you will) using an array of fixed resistors. This allowed me to use the existing hardware without any mechanical modification to the console. Therefore, I was able to stick with my original intention of using as much of the original hardware as possible.

Thank you for the suggestion.
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New member
More on the Organ Project...

I had been checking out pipe organ consoles on ebay to see if any were available nearby at a reasonable price. There was a beautiful 4-manual console listed by KeyArts of Houston; but it was out of my price range. Regardless, I contacted Anthony, and he offered me the Moller 2-manual console at a very reasonable price. After picking up the organ and getting it into my house, the console sat virtually untouched for the most-part of a year until I could purchase the MIDI controller boards.

I researched MIDI controller boards for some time. For numerous reasons, I went with the HWCE Bundle #3 from MIDI Gadgets Boutique. One of the primary reasons is they offered a comprehensive solution that would allow me to connect all of the keys without having to cut the common bus bars by using their KeyMUX64 product.

Once I had settled on the HWCE, I began looking into software. Hauptwerk would have been the obvious choice; but its cost is a bit too high for someone who does not play organ professionally and when your intention is to simply get a console up and running. As I began looking into MyOrgan, I realized that it would be more than adequate enough for me to get all of the stops, as listed, working on my console.

Since I work in the computer industry professionally, it was not difficult to get a PC to run the MyOrgan software. The only items I had to purchase for the computer were a 2GB RAM upgrade and a USB-MIDI adapter from Turtle Beach.

Once the HWCE boards arrived, I began intently looking over the console for the first time. It had always been my intention to leave the console's hardware intact just in case this project did not work out so that the console could be reconnected back to a real pipe organ without much difficulty. I also wanted to use the console's built-in piston/combination functionality rather than defining my own in MyOrgan. The only problem with this is I did not have a schematic of the console's electronics, and I also did not know what voltage was needed to power the console. Upon closer examination, I discovered two indicator lamps for the Tutti piston and for the Crescendo pedal. These lamps were rated for 14 volts. Since the solenoids were reverse voltage protected with diodes, I knew the console needed DC power. Again, working with computers came in handy because I had an old PC in my attic that would certainly be willing to donate its power supply to my organ project. The only quirk with using a PC power supply is it will not power on unless there is a load. I solved this by connecting a 12 volt, 6 watt indicator lamp to the +5 volt DC supply. I found a wall plate that closely matched the color of the console and mounted a purple pilot light jewel in it. So now I have a retro-looking power indicator for my console!

Once I had power to the console, I tested all of the pistons/combinations. I then encountered my first real setback. As I began sorting through all of the wires, I discovered that all of the wires leading to the pedals, toe pistons, and expression pedals had been cut - almost 200 wires. I systematically began toning everything out and reconnecting the wires to the common termination block. One of the console's original functionality that I did not retain (because it would have been redundant for the controller) was the solenoid-triggered sliding contacts for the couplers. I did leave the hardware in place, but I did not connect it.

Finding a place to mount the HWCE and KeyMUX64 boards was not difficult. I mounted the boards and then began wiring up all the keys and stops. This took a few days, but once everything was connected, it all worked!!! I did have a few hardware issues with the console. One of the rolling contacts for a key on the Great had fallen out of socket. It was a trick to push it back in place without having to remove the entire top half of the console. I also had to clean and rebend most of the contacts on the Swell and Pedal sections. There were also a few strange key-triggered anomalies. For instance, when I pressed the lowest Ab on the Swell, it also engaged the D above for a diminished 5th - a cool effect; but not entirely desired. I resolved all of these anomalies and then began refining my organ definition. At this point, I have successfully connected all of the console’s hardware to MyOrgan. I was even able get the Tutti and Crescendo indicators working on the console. There is a 5-position switch mounted on the left side of the console for chimes. I have connected this switch to the HWCE, but I have not included it in my organ definition. I will probably use this switch for experimenting with additional stops.

For the most-part, I have been using the PC speakers for the purposes of testing the console. I have also connected the PC to my home theater system using a wireless transmitter/receiver combination. It really sounds great! I am not really worried at this point about having a perfect pipe organ sound. I am just ecstatic to have a working pipe organ in my home!!!

Thank you for reading my post,


New member
I have purchased a Behringer FCB1010 foot controller unit for use with VPO. It has 10 foot controls and 2 swell shoes. An example of someone's setup using this is pictured here: http://cwalls.no-ip.com/home/midi2.html

I found a gent in England who graciously provided me with information on how to programme his controller for use with Hauptwerk to work the pistons and couplers, etc. I can provide the information if anyone is interested. The unit costs around $145USD new.

Here's another rig using the foot controller: http://www.midiworks.ca/gallery/Scott3CMKMPD0.asp

And this tidbit is taken from the Hauptwerk forum: http://www.crumhorn-labs.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=3519&sid=11922e189ca288d33a26bf0bc1e95d2e

I'm just programming the foot controller now, and will be happy to report back on how it works. My new "friend" in the UK has provided me with an on-screen utility for programming and editing which I didn't know existed. Since I have been researching this for many months, I wrote to him and asked if he would help me out with my project. He gladly obliged and even sent me his mappings and Midi-ox screenshots to help.

Now, let's see if I can't get that intimidating Hauptwerk to actually function without having to use my mouse too much.

... Film at 11.