New Here! Have tips for singing and playing instruments


New member
Hello, I'm new here. My name is Samuel and I'm decently experienced in music.
Always had a huge passion for music, yet I wasn't very talented with singing or playing the piano. (which were the two instruments I found most amusing.
Through my struggles I looked for someone to teach me better than other teaching methods had proven ineffective, But if you want a good vocal instructor, you need a decent amount of money.
So instead I looked online and found a little tool that helped me out immensely. I would have never thought that online ebooks and videos would help me out to the extent they did.
There are two courses in particular, which I talk about on my site- Piano and Vocal lessons. What's great about these is that they tie together in a way that I feel no other two instruments can (and yes, the voice is an instrument
:grin:)All in all I hope someone else can benefit from what has helped me out so much in my own musical journey

John Watt

Well, you're saying tips for singing when I'm only seeing what can be shown online.
I've got my favorite singing tip ready to go, something I saw agents and talent scouts do.
This is about new bands from outside of Toronto who came to audition for an agency.
Most of the time, new singers aren't singing everything they can, mostly about air control for volume.
An agent will say let me put my hand on your stomach and back to feel you breathe while you sing.
They say that, but when the singer is singing the talent scout waits for an important note,
and then pushes his hand into the stomach to force more air out, showing the singer what he's not using.
That's a very dramatic lesson, and after that it's up to the singer to develop more technique.

Hanging around with female singers, more about being a chaperone as a sane and sober person,
I heard vocal coaches say the same thing, if you're singing every night don't sing during the day,
don't shout and try to talk softly. I've been talking softer since 1972,
and my voice still does everything it can do, as a physical thing, thinking my musicianship has grown.

Hey... the bar-band business, rock and hard rock concerts, here in North America was huge,
and everything about sex and drugs and rock and roll was more true than most listeners could get into.
Me saying a manager or band-leader would ask me to go with the female singer,
was more about making sure she managed to make it back in time for the gig.
Not once did I ever work on vocals or song-writing while I was baby baby baby-sitting.

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