John Watt
Just sniping away at North American society with more snippets.
The death toll for "Camp Fire" is up to 32 with 228 still missing.
The residents of the city of Paradise, mostly Hollywood celebrities,
are busy with social media, about their property, and sharing fears about elderly family who can't drive.
Another mass shooting, twelve people killed in a bar with the shooter committing suicide.
For the first time in American news history, a news provider is suing the White House.
CNN says the press pass for Jim Acosta that was revoked by President Donald Trump is against White House protocol.
A "deframed" video, an edit of the actual video of the press conference, is making the rounds on social media,
making it look like Jim Acosta laid his hand on the White House woman who tried to take his mike away,
with White House reports saying he abused the woman with overtones of sexual misconduct.
Toronto is now saying that green space that consists of forested parklands are in danger.
So many invasive species have deplaned from their big airports they have changed the environment.
Norway Maple is now spreading and choking out native maple trees.
Black Widow spiders now have known areas of habitation, with Japanese beetles destroying habitation.
Parks caretakers are saying there is now no ground cover, just dead leaves with nothing growing,
worried about drainage and erosion and the eventual loss of all native species.
A stone building in New Zealand is now thought to be the oldest such example of human habitation on earth.
It is now thought that proto-humans did exist with dinosaurs. The initials "JHC" are being studied as I type.
A man in Welland, commenting on legal marijauana, has been heard to say...
When classic rock fossilizes even stoner-age man won't pay to see bones playing onstage.
Everyone else is so busy puffing and using puffers they can't huff about it.
All that doesn't stop meth-head women from giving everyone free boob-hugs.
The lack of insects means no-one is pulling out a can of Raid,
just police and firemen putting everyone in the can after pulling off a raid.
and those ancient stone lathes in India just keep spinning our brains...
The death toll for "Camp Fire" is up to 32 with 228 still missing.
The residents of the city of Paradise, mostly Hollywood celebrities,
are busy with social media, about their property, and sharing fears about elderly family who can't drive.
Another mass shooting, twelve people killed in a bar with the shooter committing suicide.
For the first time in American news history, a news provider is suing the White House.
CNN says the press pass for Jim Acosta that was revoked by President Donald Trump is against White House protocol.
A "deframed" video, an edit of the actual video of the press conference, is making the rounds on social media,
making it look like Jim Acosta laid his hand on the White House woman who tried to take his mike away,
with White House reports saying he abused the woman with overtones of sexual misconduct.
Toronto is now saying that green space that consists of forested parklands are in danger.
So many invasive species have deplaned from their big airports they have changed the environment.
Norway Maple is now spreading and choking out native maple trees.
Black Widow spiders now have known areas of habitation, with Japanese beetles destroying habitation.
Parks caretakers are saying there is now no ground cover, just dead leaves with nothing growing,
worried about drainage and erosion and the eventual loss of all native species.
A stone building in New Zealand is now thought to be the oldest such example of human habitation on earth.
It is now thought that proto-humans did exist with dinosaurs. The initials "JHC" are being studied as I type.
A man in Welland, commenting on legal marijauana, has been heard to say...
When classic rock fossilizes even stoner-age man won't pay to see bones playing onstage.
Everyone else is so busy puffing and using puffers they can't huff about it.
All that doesn't stop meth-head women from giving everyone free boob-hugs.
The lack of insects means no-one is pulling out a can of Raid,
just police and firemen putting everyone in the can after pulling off a raid.
and those ancient stone lathes in India just keep spinning our brains...