Organs..please help!
I am having trouble....can I please get some opinions from other organists on the Forum? This Rodgers 100 which I am looking at, I am thinking of buying. Before we make such an expensive purchase, I really need to know whether this sounds like a good practice organ for me. Here is ALL the information you would need to help me make this decision...thank you so much in advance for your input:
GENERAL ORGAN INFORMATION: 2 manual Rodgers Specification 100 (the first 100 model) from 1970...AGO pedal swell shoe
ME: I am an intermediate organ student....I love service music and hymn playing...I would usually be practicing on this instrument, but sometimes performing at home (when people visit) pieces such as Bach's Little Preludes+Fugues, and also hymns and other service music
Given that information, here are the organ specs:
SIZE: Perfect size for home
pedal-16' -Bourdon and Lieblich Gedeckt.....8' -Octave and Flute.....4' -Choralbass
great- 8'-Diapason, Bourdon, Gemshorn, Gemshorn Celeste II...4' -Octave, Flute...2,2/3 Twelfth...2'-Fifteenth, ...Mixture II
Swell-16' Lieb. Gedeckt...8' -Gedeckt, Gemshorn, Cornet, Clarinet...4' -Octave and Flute...2,2/3 -Nazard...2' -Piccolo.
1,3/5 -Tierce...CHIFF, CARILLON, HARP
Main Tremulant, Flute Temulant Fast, Flute/Diapason Chorus, Diapason FF (full), Flute FF (full), Echo On, Main Off
FACTORY PRESET TABS: Soft Preset, Mezzo Preset, Full Preset, Stop Rail Off
OTHER INFORMATION: Organ is in excellent condition...being sold for a great price....being sold by a person who services organs and who offered to install headphone jack for free and repair the organ if we encounter any problems (additional fee)...we have a great deal on moving the organ, since we know the Organ Mover
TECHNOLOGY: Transistor Individual Oscillator technology with internal or optional external speakers (I would be using the internal ones most likely
CAVEATS: No memory pistons, no couplers, no pedal reed stops...only 8' in the swell
Added bonuses: Volume of Diapasons and Flutes can be separately controlled, as well as the main swell shoe to control general volume...headphone re-tuning of organ if it gets out of tune in shipping
So does this look like an appropriate practice instrument? I was also looking at an Allen 124, but it couldn't fit through our 30.5 inch doorway...this organ could, however.
Thank you sooo much in advance!!!