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    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


Sending Midi messages to SAMS

Mick Berg

New member
Its been a while since I spent any time getting the SAMs (stop action magnets) working. I had to re-enter the event info after changing my MIDI device and now I can't get GO to send the messages. Using Midi-Ox I see no messages getting out.
If I send an all-notes-off from GO I do see that.

My settings are;
Event no, kx uart ( the midi device)
Device, kx uart
Event, 9x note
Channel 10
Ctrl/pgm 83
Off value O, on value 127

Any ideas why the messages don't get sent?
I've looked through all the settings and they seem ok, and as I say the all-notes-off works.



New member
GO sends the messages to the mentioned interface - unless Midi-OX is intercepting the outgoing MIDI traffic on that interface, you won't see the messages.

Did you check, which output MIDI interface are currently active in the global GO MIDI settings?

Mick Berg

New member
GO sends the messages to the mentioned interface - unless Midi-OX is intercepting the outgoing MIDI traffic on that interface, you won't see the messages.

Did you check, which output MIDI interface are currently active in the global GO MIDI settings?
I thought that the fact I was seeing the all-notes-off messages would prove that I had everything set up correctly. Anyway I'll keep looking.

Mick Berg

New member
I think the sound card is defective. I have ordered two replacements (they are getting rare these days, but only six bucks each!)

Mick Berg

New member
Actually it was the Midi adapter. (Joystick DB-15 to Midi ) Hard to find a decently priced replacement. Anyone have one they aren't using?

Mick Berg

New member
Such adapters are quite simple:

They just provide electrical isolation - the rest of the signal handling is done by the soundcard.

USB-MIDI Interfaces (with non-broken firmware) are the successor.
Thanks for finding that, but are you suggesting I build one? The labour involved in finding the parts, and asctually building it,if billed at my technician rate, would make it very expensive.
It's back to my good old Edirol for now.....

Mick Berg

New member