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    Frederik Magle


Slow loading

Mick Berg

New member
My default Grand Orgue organ is taking much longer to load than it used to, maybe five times as long. And there is a regular interruption of the sound, maybe every once per second.This goes away after a while.
I do not see a loading progress window like I used to.
There is a cache file.
Any ideas as to what might cause this?


New member
If it's Windows, try running a chkdsk on the drive. I had the same issue after my PC was shutdown improperly.

Mick Berg

New member
If it's Windows, try running a chkdsk on the drive. I had the same issue after my PC was shutdown improperly.
Hi Martin, its Windows 10. Nothing else running.
Thanks Jay, I'll try that and a defrag. I usually shut down the computer
"improperly", and it's been fine forever, but it's possible that one time I did so with other programs running, maybe Midi-Ox and Open Office.

Mick Berg

New member
I did a chkdsk and a defrag. I think the defrag fixed it, it took four hours and I stopped it at 70%.
I still don't get a progress window, but I do when loading other organs.


New member
If you don't want to shutdown, take a look at GOLive.

I doubt, that having any application software running, while you pull the power plug, will cause such issues. Any issues are more likely caused by Windows and it's background acitivity.

Look for background activity [show tasks for all users in the task manager]. Otherwise check your disk state (eg. using a SMART tool prefered from your hard disk vendor]. Problematic sectors can increase the read time for specific sectors - chkdsk will not report such issues.

Mick Berg

New member
Can you recommend a tool to check the hard drive? System is Windows XP.
Also, why do I no longer see a progress window while GO is loading?