Ella Beck
Is that as imaginary as your user name?
I can't imagine what that must be like, publishing online with a user name, and the psychology that involves.
I'm only John Watt, easy to be me, and that's part of my birth name.
Most people on online forums have user names rather than using their own names, so if you can't imagine that, you are cutting yourself off from a lot of human experience.
By not making the effort of imagination, you are particularly cutting yourself off from the female half of the human race. Almost all women feel doubtful about using their own name on the internet and attracting unwanted attention or raunchy private messages - a woman friend of mine on Talk Classical attracted the latter, even though she didn't use her own name, and the mods on TC had to deal with it, but she'd have felt far more harassed if the stalker had known her real name.
By 'buttonholing', I meant the way you often address me by my user name, more or less out of the blue, and tell me how I'm thinking or how I'm reacting to a post - and you usually get it totally wrong. I don't like that - I find it insolent - but I'd feel far more upset if you knew my real name.
It is up to you if you want to use your real name, but you, after all, have been a candidate in a mayoral election, so for you there are different issues involved.
For me, it is safety and also, because I am a very sensitive person, a certain amount of psychological protection.
I also, being of a literary turn of mind, rather enjoy making up user-names for myself. I have different ones on the different forums I belong to. But Ella Beck is one of my favourites, because it's so forthright and 'Yorkshire'. I find it liberating, and my posts under the Ella Beck user name are bolder, which as I'm a shy person offline, I find refreshing.