Terrorism, elections and conspiracy theories.


Commodore de Cavaille-Coll
Hello all,

With the 2006 elections just around the corner and every body thinking about Hillary Clinton, here's one for the hall of fame:





New member
So what is the take on Hillary ? .. Is she going to run? Does she stand a chance ? Anybodu has been following this ?

I hope that she's going to run on a bolivarian platform


Commodore de Cavaille-Coll
Conventional wisdom has it that Condi Rice will be *drafted* to run for President in '08 and will collect most of the Afro-American vote thereby inoculating America against the *Bolivarian* disease and causing the democrat party to implode.


Commodore de Cavaille-Coll
Hi gareth,

There is always something *out there* to reel in

Hey, let us remember our Brothers and Sisters in Denmark during this trying time.

If, as the radical Islamists say that a European 9/11 is on it's way then all bets are off.

The line will have been crossed.



New member
That's a nice thought gio, thanks a lot.

And while we are at it, let's also think of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East. Idiots are many places and at large, let's hope that human understanding and peace trancends aggression, be it islamic, christian, fascist or hegemonian.


Commodore of Impending Doom II
what are you saying Gio.. that there are going to be american-election-bitch-fight in ´08?


Commodore of Water Music
Oooo, which could turn out to be nasty in the end.....Racism and stuff like that could come into play possibly.....

The same sort of thing happened in the 1994 elections in South Africa, but little do people know that Nelson Mandela (elected president at the time who was imprisoned in the 80's) had great connections with communism and is basically like a terrorist on his own, as my Father fought in the Border War in the 1970's to stop communism spreading to Several parts of Africa. African's were allowed to vote for the first time and they now currently vote for the African National Congress (which is communism group that my father fought against).

Today to elect another party would be impossible as about 70% of votes go into the ANC (as of most of the population being dark skinned) compared to it's rival which gets about 25%.

Africa as I see it today with all it's problems and in Zimbabwe, it won't suprise me if they get terrorist groups starting in there.

I have lived in South Africa from when I was born until I was 12 years old, I have been living here in Australia for 3 years and 2 months. Try having to live in Houses with alarms in them, high walls, electric fences, and barbed wire fences, both of my neighbours got robbed, people loitering around street corners, the banks there....there is bulletproof glass between you and the bank worker, Guards with AK 47 Assualt rifles standing outside shopping centers and so many more, I would be sitting here for ages if I did name some more....

Anyway enough of my life experiences...those are just common factors of normal daily life in South Africa.

Giovanni, what do you mean by Remember our Brothers and Sisters in Denmark?? There must be something I missed.



Commodore de Cavaille-Coll
Hi priest,

I don't know about bitch fight but if Condi Rice is *drafted* it will be a *take no hostages* fight.



Commodore de Cavaille-Coll
Hi gareth,

I believe it is important that our Brothers and Sisters in Denmark need our prayers during this onslaught of radical Islam asserting itself against Europe in general and Denmark in particular.




New member
Are you serious about calling the bolivarian movement a disease and if that is the case, could you elaborate why Gio ?

In my view the attack is healthy for our democracy, as our core values are challenged. It's going to be interesting to follow the outcome of all this.


Commodore de Cavaille-Coll
Hi prokop,

If you were in Venezuela and got to experience Chavez's shock-troops going door -to-door in the middle of the night, draggging out the occupants and making them disappear, never to be heard from again, I'm sure you would revise your take on the attack on our democracy. Be happy that you live in such a free society as you do.




Commodore of Water Music
I have never heard of such things, thats why I think Australia is the best place to live in the world. Islam has been changed around though, there was this person in the 1950's who had an idea, and he spread it, saw it on a documentary, basically it was saying that Islam has been changed, it all started in Egypt, and this guy's hatred for western countries, and obviously Christianity is the most widespread religion in Western Countries, so they are targeting that.


New member
Well gio, I try to be no fool and I have lived under communist opression so I'm no socialistic utopist either.

Your accusations of Mr. Chavez is a postulate, I would be most interested in reading your sources. I know that I'm not allknowing on the Venezuelan situation, but from what I read is that Chavez is twice democratically elected, survived 7 referendums against his goverment or constitutional changes and two millitary coups with strong US involvement.

Amnesty International's reports on Venezuela has a great deal of listings on death threats/fear of safety, objections of allowing international rights organizations to work freely in Venezuela but nothing as drastic as your mentionend death squads.

As comparison, see Amnestys US page where well documented cases of everything from execution of mentally ill to sanctioned torture appears.

I understand that Mr. Chavez is implementing certain sympatic things for his 80% poor population such as free health and dental system, price control on most consumed food items, _eliminated_ illeteracy in Venezuela, built tens of thounsands high schools and provided free education up to and through university level. He has the luxury of holding the highest approval rating in all of the americas of 70.5% (Dow Jones) You must agree that the pattern of strenghtening a total population by education is not desirable by any repression-based system.

I read also that in Venezuela the economy grew by 17% in 2004 and over 9% (quarter over quarter) in the first 9 months of 2005. This was the fastest growth in the hemisphere.

I therefore do not understand your hostile attitude towards the current Venezuelan goverment, as it from an humanitarian point seems to help a great deal of poor people in one of the worlds oilrichest countries. I realize that nothing is ever perfect, but it surely seems like a positive development?

I'm glad we have this opportunity to discuss Venezuela as I'm always interested in learning more about the current state of the world. I looking forwards to your reply.


Commodore de Cavaille-Coll
Hi prokop,

You seem to be a knowledgeable individual and a good sport to boot and I laud that.

However, I see that we are on different wavelengths already. The developing situations in South America preclude quick analysis and massmedia hyperspeculation.

Rather than entering into a dead-end, take no hostages discussion with you, I respectfully decline further exchange about the Venezuelan situation.




New member
I have never heard of such things, thats why I think Australia is the best place to live in the world. Islam has been changed around though, there was this person in the 1950's who had an idea, and he spread it, saw it on a documentary, basically it was saying that Islam has been changed, it all started in Egypt, and this guy's hatred for western countries, and obviously Christianity is the most widespread religion in Western Countries, so they are targeting that.
Gareth,i must say that for a Muslim a Christian is a brother or a sister compared to a Jew.Most of the time their reasons to be angry with Christians is their belief that Christians are used by Jews in their dirty business according to their "Jew rules everything." theory.

I must agree with you about threats brought by radical Islam.Threat is growing.One of the most democratic countries with a vast majority of people being Muslims is my country Turkey and i must say we are on the verge of losing our freedom of belief.Current cabinet is consisted of people who want the country to be governed by religious rules and principles of Qur'an.Presidents tenure is coming to an end.He was the one who is defending democracy and freedom of belief for this time.The prime minister is more than likely to become new president and he will unite these positions into a presidency like presidency of G.W.Bush or presidency of Adolf Hitler with every right on everyones life and he will become the president of religion based country of Turkey.The name of our country will not be Turkish Republic anymore but Turkish Islamic Republic just like Iran.Then U.S. will try to bring democracy to us just like they did to Afghanistan,Iraq and also Vietnam.

For conspiracy theories about U.S government and 9/11 you may check out this link:Loose Change 2nd Edition - Türkçe altyazılı, Turkish subtitled - Google Video


New member
I'm delighted to report that, in the UK we have just fought off an assault by fundamentalist Christians to gain exemption from the law and be allowed to discriminate against homosexuals in service provision.

And this despite attempted blackmail by the head of the Roman Catholic church in England and Wales, and the best efforts of Tony Blair's religious mafia.

Fundamentalism exists in all religions. And it would be a mistake to forget that and only concentrate on part of the problem.

Perhaps one day we really will, to borrow from Nietzsche, 'kill God'.

As John Lennon said: "Imagine..."


Am I the only American to post on this thread?
Interesting reading 2 years of posts, seeing the
developments unfold.

BTW-Giovanni- It's the Democratic Party.
That's a sore spot, originated as a slam by McCarthy
in the 50s, further developed by Newt Gingrich.

Changes are coming rapidly in the US, so much so,
that's sometimes it's difficult to convey.

As to the original question posed by the thread starter-
I wouldn't put it past the Bush Junta to be the causeof
another "terrorist" attack, to declare martial law, suspend
Many in the US (around 25%) are now convinced that
the administration at least allowed 9/11 to happen.
Personally, i find it incredulous that anyone believes
a few lessons on a small aircraft (Cessna) would allow a person
to fly a jumbo airliner, let alone accurately enough to use it
as a missle.
For further reading on the subject, here's a link to an
organization of commercial pilots that find it hard to believe also.

P e a c e


New member
... As to the original question posed by the thread starter-
I wouldn't put it past the Bush Junta to be the causeof
another "terrorist" attack, to declare martial law, suspend
Many in the US (around 25%) are now convinced that
the administration at least allowed 9/11 to happen.
Personally, i find it incredulous that anyone believes
a few lessons on a small aircraft (Cessna) would allow a person
to fly a jumbo airliner, let alone accurately enough to use it
as a missle.
For further reading on the subject, here's a link to an
organization of commercial pilots that find it hard to believe also.

P e a c e

FKA1, in my opinion, the biggest question at present is how much Bush is posturing over Iran and how likely he really is to order some form of an attack on that country.