Wow some intristing comentary I will say this thread seems vary politically driven I am hearing a single word alot latey thees days though and I belive their is some truth to it and that is (balance) are the lack of and your right on a few points I just picked a few but first I have a few questons maby some one can awnser for me because I believe it ties into all of this misguided train wreck.
(America) land of the free and milk and hony ?
How many countrys other than americia give as much money and aid to poverished nations than we do? I would like some numbers on this on how much we have given compaired to other nations for one and for two why hasent it done any good and I need a better awnser than it was spent by a bad seed in leadership meaning dictator are drug loards ect.
Why is that important ?
Well countrys that deny financial gain for their peoples we should not deall with period in any way that will force theem to fight it out to battle for a better life just like we did here in Americia.
We have had the capability to run are aconomy with vary little usage of Oil for years why arnt we doing that ? during world war 1 and 2 are nation stood hand in hand together men and woman working in metal shops building tanks that were ordinary people off the streets.
Why cant we do the same and build hybrid cars for everyone at a low cost in the end it will be cheaper than war and political kickbacks for corupt nations who suck the life out of are great nation.
Never fall in love with a politition well I agree fall in love with people the problems in the intire world are happening because of a toatle lack of love and respect for eachother and that is a fact no matter what level of disputed situations cause a problem.
Example Cia contibutes arms to fuel a koo ect.
Coruption is every ware if you think its not than you are a fool
All im saying on that point is if you do not have a reason to make a choice that will harm you latter on than there is no issue at all.
Hate comes in manny forms and is driven by madness - Soicial presure,Inviornmentel climate,Continental prosperity,Opresion of peoples, basic necesitys of life food and shelter ect. .
What is a simple and great saying God helps thoughs that help theem selfs well if you have a problem with saying the word God than replace it with Love.
And you can see a message of love vary plainly as aposed to a message of evill
That to me is the ballance in a simple form you can coplicate the message with an incredibal amount of facts to get lost in are you can just open up your eyes and look around you and no that this world is dying and it seems that only two countrys the US and UK are putting in resorces to save it.
Now the question I would like to hear are (solution ) is how do we do that with the formost thought being that of a peacfull solution to put out a furnace of fire.
You said boms dont work and bullets I completly agree what would work?
Dealing only with countrys that only treat their own people well and have a stable governmental chain?
Well we have that and I personally feall we are opressed in are own county but what seperates us from the rest of the world is the fact that we can change laws and even revers laws on the books to restor a since of ballance.
And that is the only reason America works at all as a nation if we loose are ballance of fair play and love and respect for the constitution and peoples freedoms and ideals than we have lost as a human race to grow up beyond are own slefishness and understanding of are own personal growth as a peoples.
We need solutions as aposed to getting lost in a maze of he said she said world of politics.
Just my openion take care all.