Testing the Neumann TLM 103 microphone


Make me perfume

air air
of yesterday
that mixes with today’s

with which I wrap myself
as if it were a cloak
cloak cloak

soft and warm
soft and warm

that protects me from languor
of what lies still in oblivion
of what lies still in oblivion

air of yesterday

make me intangible movement
dilute my shapes
make me perfume x2

take me slowly to his face
let me in his mouth and nose

I will be the aroma that I was x2


The Night of the Blackbird

While I listen to the voice
of the blackbird
I look at your face
why why why
it's impossible to change past

I think of a thousand things
no clear thought
stands out
from the crowd
that stirs stirs stirs
in my mind
screaming words
that cover each others

everything could be so simple
like the games of childs
but you
have made me grave
of your dreams
and mines

we are dead and alive
under layers of time
turned into stones
over our heads

while I listen to the voice
of the blackbird
singing singing singing
to the night
to the stars
that are still what they are
inertia over inertia
like our life


But… Hell and Heaven have no doors…?

Why do dreamers
lose their dreams
when they wake up?

there are robbers in their mirrors

Why the planets
are pursued by black holes

forced games of the unknown

This eternal role of everything
turning all living beings
into hunters
or into the food to hunt

Hell and Heaven have no doors
how to know if you go or come
among fire and wings

why why why

Why do dreamers
lose their dreams
when they wake up

there are robbers in their mirrors

Why the shadows
are alive under the ground
turning people into ghosts

This eternal role of everything
turning all living beings
into hunters
or into the food to hunt

Hell and Heaven have no doors
how to know if you go or come
among fire and wings


Asking for Love

Life wakes up
while removing the make up of Night
sounds here and there
spread around the house

I stay still by your side
as I watch the sunshine
slowly rise up the wall

My little dove is asking for love

I caress your back softly
and I tremble tremble tremble
at the thought of a tomorrow
without me or without you

I hug you tightly
I sink into your warmth
and in your breath
nothing else matter but this
and I stay listening to the dove
humming in my mind
her love song


Caresses kept in shyness

Raindrops undulate
the clouds and the sky caught in the puddles
under a dancing fog
that goes and comes around my soul

Memories are not enough
to paint my life

truth and lie talk to each other
inside all the past' drawers

Today I am lost in my landscape
looking for my shadow
to tie her to my feet and follow my way

Moments of many sides
steps on the edge of a knife
doors and roads lost in oblivion
thoughts and whispers
going to light or to perdition

Flowers for love and death
numbers that do not serve
everything is the way
the way the way the way
in my landscape

Today I am lost in my landscape
looking for my shadow
to tie her to my feet and follow my way
through ny landscape

my steps they go away
I have to follow them
pick up bitter things that prepare palate for any sweet
laughter in the air for no reason
dreams that perched on elusive shadows
caresses kept in shyness
everything that slipped through the cracks of each day