To your "me neither" I say "Nor I", or "Neither can I".
I also say that horrible horrible things happen in the world, and they aren't necessarily the fault of the government or the police or society. We can feel these things, we can acknowledge them, we can work to prevent them, but arguing about blame is a disservice to those who suffered.
Ya right wake up!!!
There is no arguing from my end I know the truth unjustified police shootings would top what happend at this university and this happens everywere in America law inforcment is not what it used to be thay are in need of reform and thats a fact why do you think african americans are so fed up because the police dont do anything abought drug dealers but someone speeding are a refusal to stop during a trafic stop are just plain arguing with police oficer will get you shot thees days.
So thats society prison and jail are a buisness and thay need clients to make money and that is the sickest part of it all there awnser to everything here is prison..
Steall a peice of gum go to prison make money for the prison system all im saying is you keep that mentality up aresting people for stupid I love this forum are harasing people than you are going to wind up with even more tragic events.
You think Americians are not capable of suicide bomings ?
Well we need to change corse and society is responsable for more than you are probly aware of do people have mental problems that dont have any thing to do with outside influance shure but im steping out on a limb and saying that will be the minority.
In any case loss of life no matter how it happens is tragic but my openion stands that 99% of it can be avoided by learning how to respect people and provide the proper care for troubled people.