The TV-Series "Lost"

Frederik Magle

Staff member
The TV-Series \"Lost\"

I just watched the two last episodes of the first season of the TV-series "Lost" tonight (don't worry: no spoilers).
I rarely watch television, and I must say that I dislike most of the junk that is aired these days - especially the obnoxious "reality" shows that are popping up on all channels, competing on the lowest denominator. Most of it is a mindless waste of time

...All right, I just had to get that of my chest...
The thing is; there is one show (that I know of) right now that I enjoy watching, and that show is (or was) "Lost". It's got many qualities: Interesting and complex characters and story-line (for a TV series that is), generally good direction, surpisingly good acting all over, music that does not annoy - in fact sometimes on the contrary, and finally the series avoids the most obvious clichés.

Some episodes was better than others, of course, but I didn't see any outright "bad" ones, and the best moments were actually very high quality television. As good as it gets. So, I'll be looking forward to the next season. Hopefully they can keep up the quality of the first.

So, has anyone else here been following it? opinions?


Vice Admiral of Notes, Dots & at times also Slurs
Sr. Regulator
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

Hmm... Well, I haven't seen it yet - but maybe I will, at least, see a couple of episodes because of your endorsement here. It's worth the time spent?

Frederik Magle

Staff member
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

It's worth the time spent?

That's always a tough question. Compared to, say, working
I guess it's not worth it... but we all need some time off from thinking. What I mean is; as far as a tv-series goes I think "Lost" is worth the 40 minutes spend watching each episode.

If you're interested in checking it out, I definately recommend starting out with the first episode (if possible) and go forward one by one chronological instead of jumping around


Vice Admiral of Notes, Dots & at times also Slurs
Sr. Regulator
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

Oh you do, do you? I was planning on seeing the last episode first and going backwards...


Vice Admiral of Notes, Dots & at times also Slurs
Sr. Regulator
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

It's way more fun an confusing that way!


Vice Admiral of Notes, Dots & at times also Slurs
Sr. Regulator
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

Well... now I've seen the first half of the pilot - a rather suspense-filled show it seems... like some sort of mix between Robinson Crusoe, Survivor and Jurassic Park.

So far so good...


Commodore of Choirs, Charm and Codes
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

I am a "Lost"-fan too
VERY GOOD Tv-series indeed....


Frederik Magle

Staff member
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

Glad I'm not alone Trebbien!

Corno, have gotten further than the first half of the pilot?


Vice Admiral of Notes, Dots & at times also Slurs
Sr. Regulator
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

No, (I) haven't gotten any further yet. Been busy with work and exams. But I'll get to it, eventually.


Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

Lost is awesome. Really awesome. I got hooked from the beginning. I have only watched until episode 21. Must watch the rest soon.
I love the concept. They took a not-so-original concept and made it original. Or something.
This is definetly one of my favorite tv-shows. Its right up there in my top list among Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy
and Band of Brothers


New member
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

I was really hooked throughout the first season and it felt like it was a massive build up. But i was really let down by seasons 1 finally. It felt like the whole thing was just a waste of time.

Still, Season 2 is broadcasting here soon.


Commodore of Water Music
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

YAY!!!! Season two has just started, but I missed out on the first two episodes
they must have been good.


Andrew Gemmell

New member
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

Do you know. Its odd. My business is film/video production and I have not seen 5 minutes of Lost - or 24 for that matter.

I know how behind I am. I much prefer films - 2 hours spent that I wont get worried about missing the next episode of!



Commodore of Water Music
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

Yeah true, films is where you can sit down, and relax...and know that there is going to be an end at the end.


New member
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

Heh but DVD boxsets of TV shows seem to be all the rage these days. Mostly people don't even bother watching them on TV.


Commodore of Water Music
Re: The TV-Series \"Lost\"

And of course you can always download the series off the net, but I choose not to. I would rather let it wait and taunt me..and how long it takes to explain something, just makes the point of the show much more.


Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
Third season has just started in Poland:grin:. I've waited so long and here it is. Seen four episodes so far. First two seasons were great. I hope this one is as good as previous. I heard that in States fourth s. will be aired in February 2008. I wonder how many series will be made?