Announcement: [url][/url] !!!
I have the great pleasure of announcing that, starting today, going to the address; will lead straight to the front page of this forum!!
There are several benefits from this, one of them is that it makes it a lot easier for visitors and potential new users to find Magle International Music Forum, but also for regular users when they are away from their main computer (where the site is probably bookmarked). Now, all you have to do is remember the address: .
I have the great pleasure of announcing that, starting today, going to the address; will lead straight to the front page of this forum!!
There are several benefits from this, one of them is that it makes it a lot easier for visitors and potential new users to find Magle International Music Forum, but also for regular users when they are away from their main computer (where the site is probably bookmarked). Now, all you have to do is remember the address: .