
Jess Chen

New member
I really love classical music :) My name is Jessica, but you can call me Jess, Jessie, Chennie :rolleyes:

I have a question. How do I change the time to 12 hr mode? I don't like it in 24-hr.


Staff member
:wave: Welcome to the forum, Jessica.

To answer your question, vBulletin (the software that this forum runs on) utilizes the GMT time standards, hence the 24 hour clock. Saves all that "AM" & "PM" nonsense (imho). There are no user options to select the 12 hour clock format, sorry.

To quickly figure out those times beginning with 13:00 and beyond, just subtract 12 (13 minus 12 = 1, or 1:00 PM etc etc etc).

I think the US is the only country in the world that is still hanging on to the 12 hour clock, for whatever reasons.

Anyway, it's great to have you on board in this forum. We hope you will enjoy the time you spend here.


Welcome Jess. I hope you enjoy your time spent on this site. There alot of very talented poeple here...Do you play any musicial instruments?

Jess Chen

New member
How do I explain to my family that this is not a bad site? They think everything I do is bad, which is so not true.


Staff member
How do I explain to my family that this is not a bad site? They think everything I do is bad, which is so not true.

You're absolutely right ... this is not a bad site ... Why not invite them to look around in here for themselves as most of the site is viewable by anyone without even having to log in.


Staff member
Actually, this is a "discussion" type of forum ... we do not have the capability of "live chat." Chatting, at least to me, is when a group of people are engaged in constant conversation, which is not the case here. We do not have "chat rooms" associated with this forum community.

Yes, we do "chat" amongst ourselves in the open discussion areas like the Community Forum area, but as anyone can see, we do have structured topical forums where the idle "chit chat" is kept to a minimum and the ensuing discussion is about a topic of several topics.

I do hope your family will take a look around at the plethora of topical discussions ... some discussions have no input for several hours, days or even weeks ... hardly could be construed as chatting, imho anyway.