Recent content by DocDan

  1. New album from Purple - I'd love to hear your comments

    Hi guys I'm a multi-instrumentalist, making instrumental rock (it's kind of progressive but not very). My third album BODY:MIND:SPIRIT is my most ambitious yet, and I'd love to hear your opinions. You can stream it directly from . See links in my signature for...
  2. New album from Purple

    Hey guys, well time has passed and I have a new album out under the Purple name. BODY:MIND:SPIRIT is the most ambitious album yet and you can get to it through
  3. Purple - it's all about the music

    So I'm new here at Magle (Hellloooo everyone :D). I'd love to get any feedback on my music but mostly I just want to spread the word and have people listen. I have a "music project" called "Purple" - it is instrumental and sort of "Progressive Rock" in that there are occasional interesting...