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    Frederik Magle


Annoying clicks in GO


New member
Dear organ fellows

In my ssetup, there is sometimes annoying clicks just after a key is released. It doesn't seem to affect all keys but when it occurs it is repeatable for that key over and over.
I have tried different sample sets and sometimes it is fine but then sometimes the click-sound is there regardless of which sampleset I use.

The click seem to come some half a second after the relase of the key.

I have tried to pinpoint the problem to no avail and it seems kinda random when it occurs but once there, it is repeatable for the certain keys where it occurs until GrandOrgue is restared. Then it may, or may not, be there.

I am running short on ideas, is there anybody out there that has any clues?

I am running the most recent GO under Linux.




If you send your post to the Electonic/Digital section, you may catch the attention of someone who can help.


[Admin note: Thread moved from Pipe Organ forum to Electronic/Digital Organs]


New member

I guess you refer to GrandOrgue 0.2. In the audio, settings menu (dialog) you have to make sure you have "Lossless compression" unticked and also "Randomize pipe speaking" unticked.

(This is a known bug workaround that's documented both on this forum and GrandOrgues forum as well as on my own web page about VPO's)

If you really are using a recent build from the GrandOrgue development trunk though, then there shouldn't be any clicks unless you have problems with xruns (audio buffer cannot keep up with the stream).

If you still have problems, I'll need more details about your setup to be able to help.

Kind regards

Lars P

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hi Christer.

Lars, said it all, I'll just add that only if you're running out of RAM you should click the lossless compression, in order to be able to load the set and of course have the clicks.
I've been through this in an older computer with only 2GB ram wanting to load a BIG set... he he it loaded OK with lossless compression allright (saves about 40%) but the clicks were there now and then. Can't have it all... no?



New member
Hello all,
Thanks for your suggestions, it gave me some more ideas for the troubleshooting.
First, the RAM, it's 3,5 Gb and around 800 Mb is currently in use with organ and sampleset loaded, no swap at all.
The CPU is a Pentium dual core at 3,2 GHz, 32 bit, and CPU is normally at around 20% of the maxload when the organ is in operation.

All related progs are updated properly to latest versions and it's runnning under Ubuntu 11.04.

The setting of "Lossless compression" doesn't seem to affect much

I have also managed to get Jack in operation and there is no major difference his respect if I route the sound through Jack or not.
I have seen in messages that xrun callback sometimes increase, but with current settings it's mostly 0. It also says that xrun is at least 3,5 msec, i hope that's good :) I don't know if any settings in Jack can cause this since I had the same problems without jack.

I have been checking various settings and the clicks are, maybe, a little more persistent now. One time they came 1-2 seconds after the release of the key, but after a restarts and a number of attempts with different settings, they now come a split second after the release of a key.
The click can as well be seen as a short peak on the "levelmeters" in GrandOrgue.

I have also tested different samplesets to make sure that it isn't the samples that are flaky...

I am also running jOrgan as frontend, which I guess, doesn't affect this problem.

Any more ideas, or things to tweak or values to monitor?

Best regards


New member

So, are you using GrandOrgue 0.2?

If you have red peaks in the volume meter in GO, you should of course lower the volume. If it's still a problem at very low levels, then the AmplitudeLevel in the .organ file should be adjusted, but that's unlikely to be the problem.

You can try to increase the latency a little (if you use ALSA then increase the number in the audio settings latency box), which will remove xruns. If you run with Jack increase the Frames/Period to the next value (or possibly the Period/Buffer) in QJackctl Setup and see what happens (you'll have to stop and start Jack for changed settings to take effect). It's best to have no xruns at all, maybe one on application startup is ok, but every xrun during playing will be audible!

If you have both the "Lossless compression" disabled and "Randomize pipe speaking" then it "should" work ok. (You must reload the sampleset for it to take effect!)

If you still have problems and the clicks are always in the same notes (which they really shouldn't be if I understood your first post correctly) then the samples should be investigated in an audio editor to make sure they are not faulty.

Kind regards

Lars P

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hi Christer,

jOrgan has nothing to do with the clicks, yes, it acts as a midi (super!) controller here.

Have yoy tried your setup in windows OS ?



New member
Hi Christer,

In the Audio Settings window increase your latency value by 10, test.... then increase by 20, test.... etc. to see if the clicks are related to the number of buffers and buffersize of the ASIO stream....

Kind regards,