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    Frederik Magle


Converting jOrgan pipe sounds to GrandOrgue?


New member
Is it possible to convert jOrgan pipe sounds to GrandOrgue format? Has anyone done this?

jOrgan has a disposition package created by Paul Stratman called "American Classic Organ" which I would like to use with GrandOrgue (and Hauptwerk), but I don't know if it's possible to "cross the bridge" between systems.

Thanks in advance for any responses!

Harvey Hahn


It is certainly possible to do what you are proposing, but not without a lot of work. So it raises the question, Why do you want to do this? What advantage does all this work give you? After all, jOrgan, if properly set up, delivers all its sounds perfectly well, with excellent latency and very adjustable (third-party) reverberation, and all with less demands upon the computer. And it can’t be for any commercial advantage, as the Creative Commons licenses forbid the use of the soundfonts for that sort of thing.

But it can be done. Using jOrgan on your computer, which has to be set up to produce a single (normal) stereo output, you play every note of every stop of a jOrgan VPO with the level and type of reverberation you favour, and record it using some appropriate program within the computer (no loudspeakers or microphones involved) and then process them as if they were normal recordings, so that you end up with sample sets suitable for use with GO or Hauptwerk. You still have the work of producing the graphics, and I think you are unlikely to match the quality of presentation which jOrgan makes available. All a lot of work!

I can think of only one scenario where this sort of this might be felt desirable: where the owner has one of the more recent versions of Mac computers, and finds that jOrgan won’t work on it. There is some indication that this may be the case for some of the newer versions of Mac. This problem has yet to be addressed by jOrgan developers. (But in this case you may not be able to use your computer to make those recordings!)

The reason you can’t use the samples directly is that there probably will not be enough of them. Most jOrgan VPO’s use stretching of the samples for reasons of economy, typically 3 per octave or 6 per octave. And most of them are mono samples, as the soundfont technology allows panning, which produces excellent spatial distribution of the sounds, even if not true stereo.
