Gareth said:I have heard of it in The Da Vinci Code, the stuff that they do is really aweful, basically a group of scientists that rebelled into the Catholic Church, I think that is it.
sparky said:Hi! Gareth it is said that it was a secret society inside the masonic order so therefore a secret society within a secret society Some of the accounts and files I have read put it way way back before that back before the Knights of St John through the Egyptians in fact some even tell of links to Atlantis it is said that all of the super powers are in some way linked to The Illuminati and that way back in the 1700's influential and strong leaders were given support from Europe even to the building of the United States a lot of this support is alleged to have come from Bavaria & Eastern Europe Google has some great intros to the Illuminati the whole thing reads like a larger more sinister version of the Da Vinci Code, also check out the Bildenbergs you will see some amazing facts come up there Names like Astor, Rothchild, Dennis Healy and many other world leaders too many to mention
Galaxy said:Hi out there in cyberspace.
What i've heard about the Illuminati is very alarming, basically they wish to control the masses by passifying them. The mass amounts of information that is pumped out to people around the world, makes it more and more difficult to figure out what is real and what is junk. This makes people stand back and not take notice while real crimes against the poor and fragile are taking place, nobody dares take a strong viewpoint. the richest of the rich wish to keep their positions at the top, protecting themselves from the poor is their number one issue. Fear of proletarian uprisings is what drives them to confuse us with misinformation about what counts. Our moral constitution is failing, we put our elders in homes, and we turn our backs to our neighbours because of fear. We lock our doors and think of eachother as enemies. This way people don't stand against the failings of governments, we just accept that this is how things are. I'm afraid that in the future major corporations will be deciding how we should live our lives, already we are sold a basic formular... career, house, 2 cars, and 3 children... oh yeah don't forget the dog... ( evolution happens through change ). I even think that the cure to death has probably been discovered but is to dangerous for the powerful to release... think of overpopulation issues as they are already...
medicinal companies prefer us sick and dying, dependant on expensive medicines... the problem has always been that those who seek power are driven by their ego's, where as people who really want to help don't want power or major boosts to their ego's, for example mother teresa.
Hope i gave you a few things to think about... remember we are in an infinite universe... only a speck of dust, destroyed easily if we don't learn to work together as a planet...
sparky said:WOW and Hellloooo! there should be more like you out there who really think that we are being put upon by the powers that be, most of us are quite content with our lives and try to help our neighbours as we pass by, but this does not ring true with the elite, they seem to say we have, we want, we will take what we want and god help them that get in our way. Whereas we know that the world does not owe us a living but they think it is their god given right. What we should have faith in is that the working man has the skills and the will to over come, so when it all goes t*ts up the guy with the skill at his fingertips will survive and so will his friends and family in fact so will humanity. what is real is that we do have the skills to survive we just need to know how to activate them so lets put our heads together Sparky
Galaxy said:Hellooo... back at you...
you are so so right...There are the wolves and the sheep in thier book...
They are predaters seeking out the easy route for themselves, oblivious to the plights of the weak. The problem is capitalism, we are told that we aren't worth a thing, unless we conform to society... most people decribe themselves and their worth through their job titel and bank balance... I think this is a sad development. People don't seem to appreciate that everyone has a place and a worth within society... wether they are cronically ill or they are homeless. The lessons that people teach people about eachother and about love are the things in life which really count... people are to caught up in appearance and the shallowness of the media. I think if people started to open their minds to eachothers ideas and love, they would be heading towards a unity, instead of distancing themselves from eachother. The way religion has become it builds barriors between us, but when you look at the basic principles from all religions, cristianity, islam, judaism, hinduism and buddism and the countless others, they basically preach the same message of peace, love and understanding... but people waste time disecting and discussing differences instead of seeking similarities. I think that the powers that be like it this way... If we really starting reaching out to our brothers across borders and oceans they would start quivering in their boots. Hope to hear from you soon... Galaxy
sparky said:Hello Galaxy Thanks for the reply but unfortunately you have forgotten or have choosen to ignore the fact that the whole world is now about look after your self and to hell with anyone else so I think you miss the point I agree that we should band together but unfortunatley we do not have the strength or inclination to join together whereas our oppressors are already armed and kitted out for fighting to keep what they have already gained by whatever means job title and bank balance do not come into it what matters is the will to overcome diversity which law abiding citizens will never be able to do as they have been brought up to conform to todays rules it is not religeon or the sick or weak that need to break down the barriers it is the healthy fit and strong that must wake up to the concept that until religeon is put to one side we will never be able to battle against the heritic foe because the biggest divider of man is religion and as everyone should understand united we would stand as an indestructable force but divided we will fall before any united oppressor sorry to say so but I cannot see different sectarian factions ever joining together for the good of mankind but I do see fanatics of all religions trying to destroy any good work done by whoever or whatever faith or creed, it has always been thus as long as religion has been invloved and I am sorry, I promised myself that I would never discuss religion in open debate so I will let you have the last word and may it be one of peace I am sorry if I have offended anyone :angel: Yours Sparky