• Welcome to the Pipe Organ Forum! This is a part of the open community Magle International Music Forums focused on pipe organs (also known as "church organs"), organists, organ music and related topics.

    This forum is intended to be a friendly place where technically advanced organists and beginners (or even non-organists) can feel comfortable having discussions and asking questions. We learn by reading and asking questions, and it is hoped that the beginners (or non-organists) will feel free to ask even the simplest questions, and that the more advanced organists will patiently answer these questions. On the other hand, we encourage complex, technical discussions of technique, music, organ-building, etc. The opinions and observations of a diverse group of people from around the world should prove to be interesting and stimulating to all of us.

    As pipe organ discussions can sometimes become lively, it should be pointed out that this is an open forum. Statements made here are the opinion of the poster, and not necessarily that of the forum itself, its administrator, or its moderators.

    In order to post a new topic - or reply to existing ones - you may join and become a member by clicking on Register New User. It's completely free and only requires a working email address (in order to confirm your registration - it will never be given away!). We strive to make this a friendly and informative forum for anyone interested in pipe organs and organ music.

    (Note: If you wish to link to and promote your own website please read this thread first.)

    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


Virtual pipe organ


New member
Dear Graham,

Are there more free soundfonds supported by my organ?????? and what shall i do to get more smoother sound ( increase reverb. ???????).........

with thanks,



New member
Hi Alex,

Also worth trying is Mark Beverley's Prudhoe Methodist Church Organ at http://www.rkbev.com/prudhoemethodist.html and the Orgue de Salon / House Organ from http://duphly.free.fr/en/index.html (there are also some other instruments here... a Carillon and some Harpsichords).

It is possible to combine the ranks from various organs and create your own disposition. I would suggest that you get more comfortable with using MyOrgan before we go down that road though :)

In regard to reverb... we use the reverb that comes with our soundcard. We have a bunch of different reverbs possible and most often use either 'Stone Room' or 'Ampitheatre'. Does you sound card do reverb settings?

There is another virtual organ program that was produced by the author of MyOrgan called Toccatta that allows the use of VST effects. I have only briefly used it as it doesn't have a virtual organ graphical interface, just a tick-box interface. You can get Toccatta from http://www.virtual-organs.com/

Have fun!


New member
dear Graham,

Thanks for that information...... I can try changing the reverb in my sound card........ as you said I will first get used to the software........ :) ........ Now, If i want to set the finger pistons.... on to my computer key board ( as i want to operate the pistons using the key board rather than the mouse ) what should I do??????

thank you,



New member
Keyboard Codes for Pistons

Hi Alex,
You will need to edit the .organ file (organ definition file - ODF). This can be done using Notepad or another text editor.

In the ODF you will find the separate stop [Stop00x] definitions for each of ranks on the manuals. In the stop definition is the "ShortcutKey=XXX" property. Change whatever number is there (sometimes it is just left empty) to the keyboard shortcut number that you want to use to activate the rank using your computer keyboard.

I have attached a ZIP file that contains a web utility (that I downloaded some time ago) for getting the keyboard number codes. Load the htm in your browser and then press the keys on your computer keyboard that you want to use. A message window will popup giving you the keyscan number to use in the ODF.

Once you have modified the ODF, save it and load it up in MyOrgan to test that the keys work.

Last edited:


Just a slight correction. Toccata was not written by the author of MyOrgan, and for the moment its author seems to have abandoned any further development. MyOrgan seems to be without further development also. Nonetheless it gives great results.
Thank you for giving us the link to that Dutch site.



New member
Opps, you're right! My applogies, Toccata was written by John Samuel. I had forgotten that. I wish he'd open the sourcecode to it like Kirk Meyer did with MyOrgan... Thanks for correcting me :)


New member
Dear Graham,

I am not yet a master with 'My Organ' but still I AM EXCITED about trying jOrgan in my PC ........ simply because the soundfonts are numerous.... and it sounds great........ can you please guide me how to start using jorgan??????




New member
Dear Graham,

Can you explain more clearly how to modify the ODF for 'My Organ' so that i can assign shortcut keys......




New member
And the keycode ..zip folder is not opening in my system..... can you please sent it again.




New member
Hi Alex,

The zip download works fine for me, so instead of uploading it again I used it to make a table of information for you to use:

0 = 49
1 = 50
2 = 51
3 = 52
9 = 57

a = 65
b = 66
c = 67
y = 89
z = 90

; = 186
, = 188
. = 190
/ = 191
' = 192

To use the keyboard keys you need to change the 'ShortcutKey=xxx' property in the rank element to match the keyboard key number. So to use '1' as the shortcut to [Stop004]

Change the ShortcutKey property to:

Save the disposition and then reload it.

Let me know if you're still having trouble with it.



New member
Dear Graham,

Please forgive my ignorance ,can you please tell me where is the organ definition file located.......I believe that I have to make the changes in the ODF

with thanks ,


New member
Hi Alex, the organ definition file is usually within the folder stucture of the sample set. It is the .organ file that you load in MyOrgan. You can edit the file with a text editor.


New member
Dear Graham,

In my sample set ( jeuxdorgues) there is a notepad named 'fixed' and inside that there is only one sentence "32' soubasse is fixed now " and nothing else......... please tell me what should I do now?

with thanks,



New member
Hi Alex,

The ODF is not a .txt file... it is an .organ file (it looks like you don't have file extensions showing in Windows Explorer and therefore cannot see which file is an .organ file - see http://www.wikihow.com/Disable-Hidden-File-Extensions-in-Windows-XP to enable you to see them). The Jeux D'orgues 2 has three of them to choose from: stiehrextc30a.organ, stiehrextc60a.organ, and stiehrrdc30a.organ. The 30 and 60 in the name gives you the number of combination pistons configured.

Open stiehrextc30a.organ with Notepad. The beginning should look like this:
; Stiehr-Mockers, Eglise Protestante (1843)
; Samples by Joseph Basquin - http://www.jeuxdorgues.com
; edited for Hauptwerk by Jonathan Orwig
; MIDI Programmer notes: Reversibles PrCh 100-124; Divisionals PrCh 1-8
; Generals PrCh 12-41; GC PrCh 99 - suggested Hauptwerk output volume 25%

ChurchName=Romanswiller, Eglise protestante
RecordingDetails=Recorded 2000
...... etc .....

Now scroll down a bit a you will see the Manual Definition section:
.... etc ....

Then the coupler section, and then the section you're looking for, the stop section - looks like this:

;STOP SECTION****************************************************************************

Name= Soubasse 16'
.... etc ....

This is where you will configure the Stops to respond to the computer keyboard by changing the 'ShortcutKey=052' to whatever number you want this stop to respond to.

Hope that helps!! :)



New member
Dear Graham,

Now I got it ....... Thank you......... I may still disturb you with my questions.........



New member
Hi Alex,

Keep the questions coming! Other people will also benefit from the information posted here :)



New member
Dear Graham,

It worked well .I could even set the keyboard to control the finger pistons............. can I use the tutorial by Jean Paul to add stops from one organ to another like from Gernot's Happy Birthday Organ to jeuxdorgues.




New member
Hi Alex,

Yes, you can use the information that Jean Paul has written to add stops from the other organs. If you need help with adding a stop do let us know so that we can help.