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The Scottish Federation of Organists has the following on its website:
Recommended Salary Scales
Recommended Salary Scales
a) Churches without choirs
Salary £1,450 - £2,240 Deputy Fee £50
b) Churches with choirs making an occasional individual contribution to worship
Salary £2,240 - £3,570 Deputy Fee £50 - £65
c) Churches with choirs making a substantial individual contribution to worship
Salary £3,570 - £4,780 Deputy Fee £65 - £90
d) Churches with complete and competent choirs singing full choral services
Salary £4,780 - £7,140 Deputy Fee £90 - £100
e) Churches employing a full or part time professional director of music with extensive responsibilities are recommended to consider salary scales higher than scale d)
Salary £7,140+ Deputy Fee £100+
1. There is a uniform approach to Deputy Fees, these now covering all church services, weddings and funerals. Different services contain different emphases, but all are important and should receive equal treatment.
2. Recording fees remain unchanged:
The fee + 50% for sound recording
The fee + 100% for video recording
3. These scales are not mandatory. They provide guidelines for churches throughout Scotland. Whilst these scales are endorsed by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland it is hoped that they will also be endorsed on an inter-denominational basis.
4. If exceptional situations arise, which are not covered by these scales - for example, the number and nature of services within the Anglican and Roman Liturgies, or within Church of Scotland linked charges - then dialogue and negotiation are recommended as ways towards mutual agreement. Organists should be prepared to be pro-active in such matters and not diffident concerning reference to these scales.
5. These scales exist to provide a working framework and to maintain reasonable standards of remuneration. If there are musicians who are prepared to accept alternative remuneration, or to offer their services on a voluntary basis, then that is a matter for individual decisions and outwith the scope of these recommendations.
6. Churches that are experiencing financial difficulties or who do not wish to subscribe to these scales should not seek to engage deputies who do expect these scales to be observed.
7. It should not be necessary to emphasise that the labourer be worthy of hire. Those who benefit from SFO scales should be competent to do so.
8. The current Church of Scotland Contract for Organists is now an extensive document containing sections applying to Duties, Salaries, Hours of Work, Holidays, Sickness Benefits, Expenses, Disciplinary Matters, Redress of Grievances, Protection of Children and Young People, Dress and Worship. This is now a comprehensive document but there are areas that are perhaps ambiguous - Dress and Expenses, for example, and further negotiations may be necessary.
Not every church will adopt this contract and local variations exist. These matters should be checked carefully before entering into employment. Copies of the contract can be obtained from the Church of Scotland Legal Department at 121 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4YH (0131 225 5722).
9. These scales now remain relevant until 1st January 2013, by when a further review will have taken place.
Relevant and informed commentary is always welcome and should be addressed to Iain Galbraith, Convenor, via the SFO e-mail address: [email protected]
Please note, however, that queries regarding individual contracts and/or tax matters should be addressed to your own Solicitor or other professional adviser