Do you have trouble with holidays?


New member
Yes I'm not sure what to do with 3 months of holidays. It would be nice to get out of the city for a while, to return to nature whose tranquility I have sorely missed lately.


New member
Yes do not rule out singles groups or other fellowship opportunities at church.
Do you know Jesus as Lord and Savior? He can fill us up like no other, of course it does not negate the need to commune with others.
I'm glad the groups aspect was brought up.

Yes I sure do!:grin: I love the Lord and the beautiful church I just joined
last summer. I have all ready did a lot of volinteer work and I enjoy
every minute of it. I even get to play their big pipe organ. What church
do you go to?
judy tooley


New member
Yes I sure do!:grin: I love the Lord and the beautiful church I just joined
last summer. I have all ready did a lot of volinteer work and I enjoy
every minute of it. I even get to play their big pipe organ. What church
do you go to?
judy tooley

Well? I would love to know something. Don't keep me hanging on here
janny 108. I love doing volinteer work but when the holidays come
everything will be closed to make Madisonville a ghostown again and
I will get the blues again.
judy tooley


New member
Yes I sure do!:grin: I love the Lord and the beautiful church I just joined
last summer. I have all ready did a lot of volinteer work and I enjoy
every minute of it. I even get to play their big pipe organ. What church
do you go to?
judy tooley

1st Baptist church of Sierra Vista. Sorry for the delay in answering Judy.


New member
Do you live anywhere near Pheonix? It's been years since I visited there
back in the eighties. Just like my name I just became a methodist. Do
you go to a class called Evangelism Explosion? We have that class here
too! Janny let me hear more.
judy tooley


New member
Janny if you want to see what my church looks like look up my profile.
I have a picture of the methodist church I go to. It's old, big, and
beautiful. Do you have a picture of your church?
judy tooley:)


New member
The only trouble I have with holidays is that my family is religious (to an extent) and I'm not at all, which creates mild discomfort.


New member
I have the problem in the opposite direction. Some people around here
celebrate a pagan Christmas. So try that kind of holiday. Sometimes
it can be the best to go to another faith system. Sometimes when I get
tired of christmas I will celebrate the jewish holiday called festival of
lights, or even though I'm not black I will have fun with kwanza.
So try that suggestion. You might enjoy it better.;)
judy tooley

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Hi crymioba,

Any man that has assaulted and tortured women has absolutely no credibility with me. He can just as well crawl back under the stone from whence he came.


Corno Dolce


New member
Hi crymioba,

Any man that has assaulted and tortured women has absolutely no credibility with me. He can just as well crawl back under the stone from whence he came.


Corno Dolce

I`m fully agree with you


New member
Forget Kuanza! I didn't know about that.:cry: But try the others or
create your own holiday for christmas. This is a free country.
judy tooley

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Hi Judy,

Truly, America is a free country and thank God for that. This Christmas I shall give rather than receive. There is so much to be grateful for - like MIMF and all the wonderful colleagues on this forum.


Corno Dolce


New member
It seems like everybody feels better. This was therapy for me. Thanks
guys! You too Krummhorn. You are all angles. For those who don't
think you believe in God, well, I don't believe that you don't. You act
or seem like you do in a way. To me, it would take more faith in that
belief than to either be a Christian or Jew. Thank you!
judy tooley