• Welcome to the Pipe Organ Forum! This is a part of the open community Magle International Music Forums focused on pipe organs (also known as "church organs"), organists, organ music and related topics.

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    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


Does anything change?

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
How right you are !

Irish friends are having bad times too, as are the close neighbours Italians (una ratsa una fatsa).... Also saw Demonstrations in LONDON (!), Berlin and Paris with the same scenes with the police and all that... like scenes from the same city !

The message will be heard alright, sooner or later, smoothly or the hard way and suppose that all those who are gathering together all the richness of this world, when they get it all and create billions of poor people around the globe... what's next ? Where they will find more?

Possibly the planet 's gonna end badly.... :-(


I wish Greece would opt out of the Euro. It would help bring the whole sorry mess to an end. It was partly because of the Euro that Greece got into such a mess. The message seemed to be "spend all your money and we will give you more" If they still had their own currency they would have devalued, pushed tourism which would have meant cheap holidays for us and foriegn currency for them, made their exports cheaper for us and imports dearer for them thereby discouraging the locals from buying imports and spending their money abroad. Simplistic? Maybe, but it basically works. Get rid of the Euro and let every country sort itself out. It would not take long


Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Dear Adm. Duckmeister,

Rant: ON

Ten years ago I was an ardent Euro and EU supporter - Now? Nyet, No, Nada, forget it!!!!!!!! But for other reasons than some countries financial squalor. I empathise with Greece, and Italy, and Spain, and Portugal........They, except Greece, have huge Gold reserves that can be used to get out of their squalorous conditions!!! Of course, then watch the Gold price dip down to $100.00 or less per troy ounce = 28.36 grams! The EU capitols of Brussels and Strasbourg are becoming havens for bureauucrats that are accountable to nobody - THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY DAMN PLEASE AND GET AWAY WITH BLOODY MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!

Rant: OFF


New member
We need the European Union just about as much as we need the United Nations. In both cases it is just another level of Government Control by overpaid bureaucrats in fancy buildings.

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Thank you for your comments.... the situation is more or less like br.CD said... they do the murder in the open and they get away with it !!!!!

In Greece there are so many scandals of certain "persons" stealing public money and when Justice starts investigations to send them to Court and find where the money went, there are to witnesses, no clues or proves.......so we end up as we are today. Owing money everywhere they say....

Right now as we speak there's the discussion debate in Parliament about confidence in government..... we all watch to see what's gonna happen


I have a great idea. if we all become Euro MPs we could all rip the a**se out of it. That would be equality


Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Adm. Duckmeister,

Why would I want to be a bloody Euro MP? Better to be an MP for the country in which one lives


Sorry CD it was just a nightmare. Plus I have always liked trains so I thought maybe a gravy train???????????????



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
The whole economic cult seems to have imploded due to an insatiable thirst for money.... just old fashioned greed.

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Greed indeed Colin......... Government took confidence again, so we end up at the point of start !!!!!! = Madness !
I see poeple in the streets again this week......

By the way, I have a big greed for virtual organs..... does this make me a siner ? :-D

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
... peculiar is ok, I thought I was weird :-D :-D :-D

Already called a madman by my neighbours !!!!! :-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
... peculiar is ok, I thought I was weird :-D :-D :-D

Already called a madman by my neighbours !!!!! :-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I suppose it depends which Organs you are into, now Heart, Lung, Kidney are so so but some Organs do not sit well (nudge nudge wink wink)


Now awaiting the promised referendum in Greece. Will they pull out of the Euro. Will we see the whole house of cards collapse? I hope so



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Well what ever happens its Alf Average that will feel the pain, just thought I would mention something about NZ politicians (the ba$^a*ds) when one of our beloved poly's completes 3 terms (3X3X3 years) they qualify for full pension but it is not the same as the ordinary people get 'Oh no' they get something like 80% of what they were earning + 90% off all Air travel plus a lot more that I am unsure about. I bet it is the same in most countries?


Once upon a time people became politicians to serve their country. Now it is a gravy train with the object of riping the a**se out of the job
