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    Frederik Magle


Free Sets For GrandOrgue INDEX


New member
Hi Guys,
We've now had posts in the forum about the availability of the Ott organ and the St Stephen's organ, with links in them. So those of you who are still looking can go ahead and download and enjoy ;)



New member
Hello...I am new to this site, as I just downloaded MyOrgan. This information may be of interest to you. I have the cd for Hauptwek v 1.2 and put it on my new comp...it contains the "ding track", and since Hauptwerk no longer supports HW 1, I doubt I can get them to issue my old licence. However the good news is that the organs that come with the cd (St.Anne's and 4 others), are all playable thru' MyOrgan, as are the following cd's... Compenius organ, The 1654 Positif Organ Griebenow, Willard Martin Saxon Harpsichord, and the 3 cd set of the St. Michael Neckargartach (free download) from Prospectum, which is no longer available. All are based on Hauptwerk 1.


New member
Hi Accordionmojo,
Thanks for letting us know about the original HW 1.2 CD. I would suggest that you download GrandOrgue 0.2 as it has better graphics than MyOrgan did, and some extra features (like transpose). You can get it from http://www.sa-virtualorgans.co.za/GrandOrgueWindows.htm . Tell us a little more about the sample sets that came free with it too :)

I wouls also recommend getting the updated Jeuxdorges2 -Stiehr Mockers, it is a treat ;)
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New member
Thanks for the info...the other 4 organs on the Hauptwerk v1.2 cd are smaller organs which I think were there for PC comps with little memory. I would imagine that they are made up from the St. Anne's.
1). Stereo organ 1...1 keyboard, pedals, 9 playable stops, 3 couplers
2). Stereo organ 2...1 keyboard, pedals, 7 playable stops, 1 coupler
3). Stereo organ 3...3 keyboards, pedals, 22 playable stops, 10 couplers, 5 others Tremulant etc.
4). Stereo organ 4...2 keyboards, pedals, 19 playable stops, 2 couplers

In comparison the St.Anne's has 30 playable stops, 9 couplers incl. octave, sub octave etc.
The HW v3.3 St.Anne's has a lot of extras...cressendo and swell pedals, 10 pistons that all work.



New member
Hi Graham,

I'm experimenting with GrandOrgue and have followed the directions in the above link. However, win 7 will not allow me to rename savihot with adding the "/li" at the end. I am the administrator of the computer but still cannot accomplish this. Any suggestions?

I have ASIO4ALL installed but I also have an M-Audio Delta Series 1010lt which has asio built in. Ideally, what I would like to do is to run a multiple instance of GO with the main organ using my Delta asio and run another instance of GO with ASIO4ALL and use that to add a keyboard with a carillon only.

I'm still sort of pulling my hair out with my delta card over the in/out portion of the delta control panel/patchbay. At this point I have all 8 channels on solo. If I select multi-channel as the default playback device, the sound is slightly reduced as opposed to the other options: 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, spdif. I can't get sound to come out of the subwoofer. I have sort of a hodge podge system set up for sound.

I am using a home theatre system with 5.1 channels/speakers in conjunction with a Yamaha Natural Sound AV Amplifier DSP-A1 that has wonderful theatres, churches, arenas, and other jazz venues for DSP. I can have virtually any reverb I would like by selecting on the amplifier. I have my main, center and rear speakers hooked to the amplifier. Where the subwoofer would get plugged in, since my sub is not amplified on it's own, I left it attached to my JVC home theatre so it is amplified that way, I selected aux on the function of the home theatre and plugged a y connector into the headphones out jack in front and connected it to the subwoofer in on the Yamaha amplifier. Still no joy from the sub.

In order to get sound from all the speakers (I also added 2 additional full range speakers to the front effect speakers out on the Yamaha amp and selected Line 3/4 of the Delta card as the primary sound device. In the Delta's control panel I selected mixer for line 1/2 and software rtn for 3/4 in order to get sound from 7 speakers. The sub would be my 8th speaker (if it was working and producing any sound). I've been all over different forums, including m-audio in order to see if I can ferret out how to configure this sound card (now I'm wishing I had gone the creative route for soundfonts, but went on the advice from reading about the GSO/Miditzer project which said it was a "wize choice" but it's making my brain want to explode.

So far I have only used programmes in standalone mode, not sequencer.

Any guidance would be heartily appreciated.

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Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hi Stephen ! great info here.

Please do try the .dll stuff (VST), it solves a lot of problems with many different stuff. Otherwise if you want only stand alones you 'll have to use jack 1.9.5. connection kit for windows. But CAUTION : it works only in 32bit (win7 also). So get all your stuff in 32bit even if your win7 pc (as mine) is running in 64bit. I work like this, so I know.

I did not uberstand what you want to do with Savihost and GO, sorry...
If you want GO to work with Savihost, you can't, cause savihost needs a 'dll(VST) version and GO has not a VSTi version...yet, as HW3 (see my thread-post)
What is "/Li" ?

Sorry I can't halp you with Delta, as I do not use an external one yet(only Asio4all)
I'll go for a Steinberg one probably... (214 series) but I got a Yamaha Natural sound DSP amp also(with active sub), indeed works great !!


Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hello...I am new to this site, as I just downloaded MyOrgan. This information may be of interest to you. I have the cd for Hauptwek v 1.2 and put it on my new comp...it contains the "ding track", and since Hauptwerk no longer supports HW 1, I doubt I can get them to issue my old licence. However the good news is that the organs that come with the cd (St.Anne's and 4 others), are all playable thru' MyOrgan, as are the following cd's... Compenius organ, The 1654 Positif Organ Griebenow, Willard Martin Saxon Harpsichord, and the 3 cd set of the St. Michael Neckargartach (free download) from Prospectum, which is no longer available. All are based on Hauptwerk 1.

Hi Accordionmojo and welcome !!:)

Great info you gave us here !

Now is the issue with liscence things....How can we have all these beautifull organ & harpsi sets for free.....especially the Prospectum one...

I should add these to the index of course, for those like you who have them and can use them with the GrandOrgue excellent program !

Please try GOv.2, it's better than MyOrgan , in my fast dualcore laptop can reach 2048 polyphony !!! (in more powerfull comp can go much higher...) and almost no latency - use Stiehr-Mockers set !
(get the link here in the appropriate thread from Graham)
Post us how it went:)



New member
Hi Panos,

Thanks for the info. Indeed, I do have 64 bit win 7 so thanks for the heads up on that end. I'll get stuff for 32 bit.

As far as the /li, it came from Graham's link above and was under the section for adding reverb using jack 1.9.4.

I'll look for jack 1.5 and download it.

Sometimes I tend to over-analyze things and maybe I glossed over something...I'll have to reread the posts on Graham's site.

But basically what I would like to do is to run an organ on 2 keyboards (I am liking the CC quite a bit (especially the pedals - way bombastic) but don't really have a grip on the anches, etc. and how they work. I only just got the demo (advanced) version of Hauptwerk working with all of my equipment. Both manuals work via my keyboards, my Behringer FCB1010 finally will make the swell shoe move and the toe studs work now as combination pistons...that was a big "atta boy" moment after all this time.

I haven't gotten the kit from midi boutique yet to make my pedalboard midified, so I have "played around" with the pedals by using yet another small keyboard (E-mu Xboard25) and transposing down an octave. But once I get my pedalboard attached to my rig then I would like to use that Xboard25 as a carillon. That is why I was interested in a multi-instance of GO.

I guess I should play around with my sequencer programmes and see which one I prefer and then really learn how to use it. I've gotten so many free copies of Ableton when buying other equipment but haven't been all that impressed. Sonar has been played around with when I first got it 2 years ago. I also have Sony Acid and Cubase but really haven't played with them too much. I went with the Sonar as at the time we purchased it, it was allegedly the easiest and best thing around.

I will certainly keep you informed. And thanks so much for your input. You most likely saved me lots of time and frustration with advising about the 32 bit being able to be used in win 7 64 bit. I did read just now on Steinberg's site about how it just speaks to the amount of RAM that can be used. My music machine has 4 Gigs at the moment. It's only a dual core. If I can actually get things working and I still love it, I'll upgrade to and i7 and 8 gigs of RAM. I'm in need of more ram and a better processor for my laptop, which was "state of the art" 3 years ago. It's still a powerful machine, but in comparison with Joe's new 7 core HP laptop, well, I always want the best, pig that I am.

Looks like I'll spend a couple of days with my sequence apps and let you know what I decide. If you have a personal preference, I'd be interested. My (fantasy) concept is to write some scores and then implement them in the software programmes and make my own orchestral compositions. I always did like a challenge. Why I decided to start a "hobby" like this at 50 I don't know. But that's what happened.



New member
Hi Stephen,
You found a typo on the Windows Reverb page, my applogies! I have fixed that line and updated the article to Jack v1.9.5 as well.

As you already have an ASIO capable soundcard (I'm assuming that you're using the M-Audio Delta 1010LT) then you should be able to set Jack up to use just that ASIO driver and not bother with the ASIO4ALL one.

So, for step 7 use the following instead:
Change the 'Target' property to "C:\Program Files\Jack v1.9.5\jackd.exe" -R -S -d portaudio -p 512 -d "ASIO::M-Audio Delta ASIO"

Now, once Jack is started, take a look at the connections window in Jack Control, and hopefully you will see all 8 analogue outputs available from the Delta 1010.

Let us know how it goes, and if you have any other questions :)


Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Great help here Graham, about Delta .I think this is a similar aproach to get Jack work with other soundcards as well.

Stephen we're close on systems workin', so try REAPER its free for 30 days and then you decide if you keep it, I believe it's the best , I just stucked with it, the manual is about 480 pages !
I have 4GB ram also in fast dual core and probably I 'll go for a i5 or i3, i7 stuff in 8GB, though some guys here insist on Mac with 16GB....

How can you live with demo mode in HW3? This bell doesn't drive you crazy?
I use the free version of HW3 with 256(stereo..) voice limit. If I want more I use GOv2 with 2048 polyphony along with SIR2 convolution reverb(has a great cathedral in 4 channel true stereo...) linked together with Jack 1.9.5, following Graham's instructions to Asio4all driver. Also I work with jOrgan3.9.4 and Bernd Caspers CC2.0, SBO and NGBO organs with 1024 polyphony (in my system) and the 4 Silbermanns of Pastor Stratman.

Get the multi version of GOv2 and all free sets listed in this thread and make your own big organ set combining 2,3 or even 4 of the smaller sets ! link them with Jack if you want some extra reverb. It's fun !

I hope you get your pedalboard soon and taste the real thing. TIP : I use my pedals not only to play organ bass...get some cellos/bass synths/trombones/timpanies whatever you like and then..open a new page in Computer/midi world - I did mixed GO with SM set and EWQL synphony orchestra in my 2man/ped toaster...I enjoyed much !
I'm 48 and I don't think I'm gonna stop, ever....So I believe you're in a very good path at 50. Now the fun beggins !

Cheers and greetings from sunny&green Skopelos Island


New member
Firstly I would like to thank Graham for advising about the typo and providing a new link. Your hard work and dedication to our community has not gone unnoticed. Your knowledge has provided countless hours of enjoyment for a multitude of VPO enthusiasts.

To Panos, I do appreciate the info about Reaper and will download and try it out. As far as the triangle sound in HW3, I wanted (as always) the advanced options such as blower noise and honestly I didn't even realize that there was a version without that sound. I assume you are talking about the basic cersion? I will load that version when next I fire up the programme.

I did download the multi version of GO last night and already have all of the organs you mentioned. My problem has been getting my foot controller to work; it was daunting and intimidating. I've had various people help me with it in the past but when I kept running into a brick wall with it I would get frustrated and walk away from it...for almost a year the last time. But a couple of weeks ago I decided I had the time and inclination to give it a go again and started reading different forums. I found a post from a gent in the UK who described putting together his set up for HW3 using the same foot controller. When I followed his steps - voila! Success was achieved with the toe studs and swell shoe. The crescendo still doesn't act like he describes as he has crescendos general assigned as CC 7 (volume) and the swells general as 27 (user defined). The part I can't seem to understand is what it is defined as? When I start midiox the pedal that should be swells sends a CC 10 (pan) and the other shoe sends CC 7, but the pedals are reversed. So for the time being I have assigned a mod wheel to act as crescendo. Not perfect but workable.

So I will keep you all informed of my progress and look forward to having some fun and making music!

Best wishes to you all.


New member
Hi Stephen,

You can use MIDI OX to map either Pedal to whatever it should be sending in regard to CC messages (I assume you can't change the tpye of CC message in the pedal software/hardware).

Take a look at http://organs.110mb.com/MIDI-OX.htm, particularly the section titled
Using MIDI-OX to Map CC11 to CC7

Then you should have a better idea of how to do it...

The best would be able to configure the CC type within the pedal setup though.


Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Greetings from Skopelos guys, the place is a paradise !

Without Graham we would still be in the VPO-middle-ages. His affection and guidance are unparallel.-

Stephen, about HW3. Though this is a GO thread, I'll tell you what I do with it.
When you open the (free)programm there are 3options : advanced, basic and free.
The difference is the number of polyphony.Choose the free option, there's no bell but there is a 256(stereo) voice limit.You can have the blower noise in this version also and all other effects(tracker noise/stop pull/push effect ect). The problem is when you want to load a BIG set.
Example : Load Muller organ.Is beautiful , even has the church clock ringing !
Load St.Carlo Antegniatti 1600 organ. If you want full load, HW3 free doesn't allow you to, cause of 1,5GB load limit, so when loading using adjusting option, cut the release samples to lowest of tracker/stops effects and leave full release to the samples of the real pipes. This way you end up with a great load in free option of a great organ, with the limit of tracker/blower/stop effects sounding without reverb effect.
If you want full organ(with it's effects) to sound with reverb, see my thread "HW using the VSTi version" for details.There I cut all release samples from St.Carlo to save memory and I create environtment with convolution.
Also HW3 is very easy to "see" what pedals you want to use where(Continuous controls assign ect). In St.Anne's I assigned no.11 controller to crescendo and no.4 to swell. They work perfect. Also in Enigma when I press down no11 I see a spectacular opening of stops one by one 'till full tutti !

So, to get back to original thread here, that's why GrandOrgue is a great program, has no limits - IT's FREE - of course under constant development, but gets better and better by time, like a good red wine.
Think this : Stiehr-Mockers extended(new jeuxdorgues2 version) excists as a HW3 version with a great console picture and as GOv2 version. With HW3 free option this great organ sounds great with a few stops on (256 limit), with GOv2 sounds great with a full tutti (in my system goes to 2048.. in better systems, I guess it can go to above 7000 !!! - better than HW3 advanced?) !!!!
Add to this that if you want to use jack 1.9.5 to "put" SM in a bigger Cathedral, with HW3 in 64bit is not possible, only in 32bit, but then there is the 2~3GBram limit....
GOv2 can work perfectly with Jack and you can have SM sounding 1000% better in a large Cathedral.Then Hw3 has more quality in some sets due to 24bit/48000 samples, but this to is gonna happen to new sets for GO. I believe we can all help to achieve this goal.

So, the prefference goes to GO (for Free programs of course) and it's free sets.

Keep us posted with your advance !



New member
Wow, this is some great information. Graham, the foot controller is programmable and I have programmed it several times, but haven't tried using CC 4. It does put me into a quandry at times, as I programme a CC 11 and it sends CC 10. I was thinking it might be possessed, lol. I'll give that a go and report back. I also appreciate the work-around concept you suggest via midiox. I guess I hadn't really realized how much midiox can do.

Panos, you are deserving of a huge hug for the info you provided to me. Once again, I really had no idea that I had this capability right in front of me for over a year. I am excited to put into action what you have just told me.

And to think that all of this can be enjoyed via free programmes is in a word, AMAZING!

It's hard to express the appreciation to everyone here. And, of course, thanks to Frederick for having this wonderful site. Here, here.


New member
Hi Stephen,

The MIDI standard has some quirks... one of those quirks is that it is sometimes 'zero' based and at other times 'one' based. What this means is that sometimes you will see MIDI Channels 0->15 (zero based), and on another MIDI system you will see MIDI Channels 1->16 (one based). So your hardware might be zero based (going from CC0->CC127) which would explain why programming it for CC11 shows up as CC10... If this is the case then programs like GrandOrgue, jOrgan, and HW will see that 'CC10' as 'CC11' messages. So the question is what is the first property '0' or '1'.

Just a bit of background that might help :)



New member
Thanks Graham,

Once again, this is something that I have read before but must have not connected the dots in my mind. I'm going to give it a try when I turn on the music computer.

Now I am wondering if I should connect my laptop to my music computer for even more power. One of these days I would still enjoy getting the GS3/Miditzer organ working, too.

Just wondering, would you suggest swapping my delta 1010lt for a couple of creative cards?


New member
Hi Stephen,

Maybe we should start another thread for the GS3/Miditzer users so that there would a step-by-step approach for that as well :)

Don't swap your delta 1010lt - it is one great card! If you have spare PCI slots you can add a creative card or two and have the best of both.


Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hi guys. Great company here, indeed, but this is a GrandOrgue Free sets Index thread :):)

Anyway, Stephen I'm so glad from what you say in your posts :);) and as Graham said don't throw away your Delta, it's very good. Here at Yamaha, technicians they keep telling me about Steinberg cards.....In September when I get back to Athens, I;ll get one to see how GrandOrgue can go with it, my problem is that I'm stuck with convolution reverb and I don't know if I can use my SIR2 with an external card, along with GO.....
Something must be wrong with me, as I have MidiOx (and LoopBe1) and I just can't manage to use them..:) :) maybe this month after some good swimming and cycling in the island my mind will clear up !!:):):)



New member
Great help here Graham, about Delta .I think this is a similar aproach to get Jack work with other soundcards as well.

Stephen we're close on systems workin', so try REAPER its free for 30 days and then you decide if you keep it, I believe it's the best , I just stucked with it, the manual is about 480 pages !
I have 4GB ram also in fast dual core and probably I 'll go for a i5 or i3, i7 stuff in 8GB, though some guys here insist on Mac with 16GB....

How can you live with demo mode in HW3? This bell doesn't drive you crazy?
I use the free version of HW3 with 256(stereo..) voice limit. If I want more I use GOv2 with 2048 polyphony along with SIR2 convolution reverb(has a great cathedral in 4 channel true stereo...) linked together with Jack 1.9.5, following Graham's instructions to Asio4all driver. Also I work with jOrgan3.9.4 and Bernd Caspers CC2.0, SBO and NGBO organs with 1024 polyphony (in my system) and the 4 Silbermanns of Pastor Stratman.

Get the multi version of GOv2 and all free sets listed in this thread and make your own big organ set combining 2,3 or even 4 of the smaller sets ! link them with Jack if you want some extra reverb. It's fun !

I hope you get your pedalboard soon and taste the real thing. TIP : I use my pedals not only to play organ bass...get some cellos/bass synths/trombones/timpanies whatever you like and then..open a new page in Computer/midi world - I did mixed GO with SM set and EWQL synphony orchestra in my 2man/ped toaster...I enjoyed much !
I'm 48 and I don't think I'm gonna stop, ever....So I believe you're in a very good path at 50. Now the fun beggins !

Cheers and greetings from sunny&green Skopelos Island

Hi Panos,
I had a go with rerouting my audio system yesterday in order to get the elusive subwoofer working. When I use the Yamaha DSP unit and perform the speaker tests, all of my speakers produce sound. The LFE test does, in fact, produce sound from the subwoofer. Still haven't quite gotten the intricacies of the Delta 1010lt down correctly. I have tried a speaker test using all choices: from channel 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, spd, multichannel.

When testing with all but multichannel, the sound is loud and clear but of course, restriced on output to those channels. If I select the multichannel option and run the speaker test, I hear the entire test and see it on the mixer of the delta control panel. The sound is reduced about 40% compared to the other options. However I still cannot get any sound this way to come out of the subwoofer.

I did download Reaper (32 bit) as well as the free version of Hauptwerk to experience the sound with no bells. (Thanks for the tip)

I also got the multi-instance of GO and have just about all of the organ samples you have mentioned, except for those currently unavailable. I will play with all of it today and try and get it all working together. Getting excited.

I also decided to try out each of the sequencer programmes, i.e. Ableton, Sonar, FL Studio, Sony Acid Portable, Cubase 5 and compare to Reaper. Once I decide the easiest to use I will uninstall everything else.

I cleaned up my external terrabyte e-sata drive on my music computer and now I have about 800 gigs available. I had a backup copy of all our CD collection (600 gigs) but deleted it as it is also residing on 2 other external drives: one attached to one of my computers and one on Joe's, so 3 copies is more than overkill.

When all is said and done, I will be able to custom build some pretty wonderful sounding organs. Naturally I will keep you all informed.

Thanks for all of your suggestions.