42-String Guitar played by a Master...


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Well after doing a bit of searching on the interweb thingy I discovered that the Piccasso Guitar is allegedly acoustic?? which raises the question “what are those 5 knobs and 4 toggle switches on side or is this an electric version, I have not been able to find out much else but here are a couple of links, it would be a bugger to tune and as you know at a performance you are constantly re-tuning.



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
"electronic enhancements" no oo ooo oooo not in my book CD, tools of the devil unfit for the human Ear. lol

Hey where has my sigy gone????????????? oh this is ridiculous everything is frozen so if it posts OK if not tough..................
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Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Agreed! But without some form of "amping" no acoustic guitar will be heard in todays Concert Halls.


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
So it is not much of an instrument then?:grin: a solo Violin can fill a Hall without amplification at least the Halls that I we have here, but they are very good acoustic venues and the audiences very well behaved.