How's Your Weather?


New member
Here its been fluctuating between heavy snowfalls then warm weather very quickly, for January now its a warm -5. NOT good for keeping the piano in tune.


Here its been fluctuating between heavy snowfalls then warm weather very quickly, for January now its a warm -5. NOT good for keeping the piano in tune.

So where is "here", sounds like somewhere well north, but possibly not too far from the sea.

Here another grey, wet, miserable day.


New member
No Big Deal - so far!

It warmed up a little yesterday -6C or so, but the nights are still down around -15. Had about an inch of snow last night. We have had hardly any snow since January 2nd, though there is still about a foot on the ground. Thus far I have to say it's been an easy winter in the Montreal area. I may have to eat those words sometime in the next month though.:grin::rolleyes:


New member
Right now it's 41 and raining. I hope it stays in the 40s for a while.
But I know that another cold spell is on it's way.
judy tooley


last few hours alternating snow/sleet/rain...... temp is now 34 rain... probably ice by morning again.. oh well winter....LOL


New member
We just had a snow storm a few days ago, and intermitten snow since then. Right now it is 1 degree celcius at one in the afternoon, with a bit of wind (I live right by the ocean) and plenty of snow still on the ground.


Staff member
Yea, I heard about that snowstorm ... hopefully people there have the common sense to stay home and off the roads.

Currently 46°F and cloudy. Going for a high of 67°F today, and rain in the forecast for Sunday, which usually means it will be sunny and not a cloud in sight :lol:.


Sr. Regulator
Sr. Regulator
Not exactly in the epicenter of the Great Middle Atlantic States blizzard- but close enough to feel it.

20+ inches of snow here in the last 24 hours. It's the most significant "snow-event" around these parts since 1996... and the largest one since I moved out here, nearly 10 years ago.

Take it from an old Great Lakes Region boy... this weather was not a joke---


New member
I know what you on the east coast is going through with the blizzard.
I had to endure a storm simular to it last year with ice. Instead of 24
inches of snow we got three inches with three inches of ice on top
that took out our electric power for a week to 2 weeks in some of the
area where I live. We are getting ready for a punch from mother nature
ourselves tomorrow.:cry: I will be so glad when spring gets here!
judy tooley


Staff member
Rain here since early morning ... nice change from all the sunshine we normally get. I love the cloudy weather, especially when it rains - everything, including my car, gets a nice cleaning and all the dust is settled.

55°F and clearing - the mountain range just to the north of us is covered with snow - absolutely beautiful sight.


New member
0C/32F here today,no snow but there is a very cold wind.

Change of plan, it is now snowing.
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Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
It's been snowing for several hours, -4*C/25*F and NNW at 11 km/h.


Staff member
60°F here, sunshine (boo) and a slight breeze. Heat wave coming in for the weekend ... all the way up to 74°F :lol:. Time to get out the lawn sprinklers ... woohoo :rolleyes:.


New member
Too bad you can't bottle up some of Arizona's weather and send it
to Kentucky. We had four inches of snow this week and we are
expecting more this weekend. The temps are 31 degrees and getting
judy tooley