How's Your Weather?


cool overcast about 60f. They forecast a late Autumn but we have already picked three basin full of blackberries. I am keeping my eye on the holly trees.


New member
It's downright chilly here this morning. +10C (about 52 on the Farenheit scale). Clear skies with an expected high about +24C. I wonder about an early fall though. Virtually all the songbirds vanished over a week ago. Even the robins left two weeks earlier than normal. I seem to be left with a pair of ravens near the retreat. ATB!


New member
Adelaide weather today

We have been having torrential rain and even hail today! Drenched - but good after the drought of the past few years.


New member
Our weather has been so strange today. It was sunny this morning, then it clouded over and rained, then sat on partly cloudy for a while, then rained for about 1 minute, then seemed to go misty! (of all things), and now it's sunny again. Currently 10C.


This must be the worst August that I can remember. We have had two good days up to now, and last week I was very tempted to light the fire in the living room, it was that cold and miserable. Global warming? I wish.

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Raining, very windy, bad conditions forcast for today. falling trees, flooding etc etc. Summertime and the living is...................


New member
Well we had a few days of drizzle, high temps about 17C. This afternoon it has cleared up and the forecast is for at least a few nice days with highs about 25C. Night lows are around 15C. ATB!