How's Your Weather?


Staff member
I wish you Southern US types would stop posting. Even my best weather would probably seem cold to you-all.
Today the wind has swung to the south-west but it is still as cold as ever.

In all actuality, I loathe this desert heat ... lived in the SW US for 28 years and hate it. Problem is, the wife can't take the cold/damp stuff ... so I relent and stay. I always pray for rain and clouds here.


Warm today but overcast making it a bit sticky. Still, better than the cold and rain we have had up to now



New member
Please KH can we swap places for a while.
Slightly less cold today and I risked putting some plants into the garden.


Staff member
Please KH can we swap places for a while.
Slightly less cold today and I risked putting some plants into the garden.

We'll set it up next week, ok?

Here, it's warm and clear ... above 70°, but below 100° :lol:


Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
The weather's not too good here. It's been raining for the past few days with the higest temperature @ 15*C


New member
A bad storm is heading my way. I just saw it on the weather
channel. The temps are at 61 degrees and very cloudy.
I just wished the sun would come out and warm this place.
judy tooley


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Getting colder, nearly at the shortest day that's when winter digs in, have fired up the log burner to make sure it is ready for its job


Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
It's currently sunny and 20*C but southern and south-western Poland has been struggling floods.

Part of my estate has already been flooded. The water level is high - up to 2 metres (6.5 feet). The place where I live is still dry, but the levee is leaking. The military, policemen, firemen and civilians are covering the leakages with sandbags.
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