How's Your Weather?


Well itis bank holiday weekend so it is 62f overcast windy with ocasional showers. Typical bank holiday!


New member
12C not very warm and it is raining. Glad your building was not flooded Mat, I might not like my weather but I have nothing to complain about.



New member
Reading 27.5 at the moment. Variable sky, light rain at times - not nearly enough. Far too many forest fires here in Quebec for the time of year. I think the last count was about 50, and a dozen or so of them out of control. :( ATB!


I'm surprised we didn't hear more about the flooding in Poland in the media here. Glad water levels are coming back to normal, Mat. Hope everyone will pull together to rebuild what is 'rebuildable.'

As Rusty mentioned, we're experiencing forest fires galore here. Not good either...


Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
^^ I guess you could use some of our water to put out those fires, huh? Hope everything turns out ok for you, Rojo. Take care.


New member
18C, a nice warm spell to signal the end of Autumn (or it would be nice if we were dressed for the slightly warmer weather, rather than rugged up for the winter).


New member
+11C here early this morning - would be clear except just about everybody in Montreal woke up around 2 am local time thinking their house was on fire. Heavy smoke from the forest fires has covered south-west Quebec. Those fires are about 300 Km away! Still very dry in this part of the world too. The weather people expect a shift in the wind will clear the stink by this afternoon.

In the meantime the number of fires that were considered out of control had dropped to less than nine by yesterday afternoon. They listed a total of 54 fires in Quebec - most started by lightening. Not a good morning for jogging! (Holding nose - wiping eyes). ATB!


New member
It's amazing how far bushfire smoke can spread. In summer, we often get thick smoke covering the city for days at a time, from bushfires that burn between 100 and 400km away.


Staff member
Hot and sunny here (what else is new :lol:)
Temps rising this week to 103°F - That's 39.4°C for the rest of the world

I'll gladly take some of Mike's wet and windy ... too bad we can't bottle our weather and send it elsewhere, huh? :crazy:


New member
It was humid today - a high of about 30C, not too bad as there was a light breeze. Rain helped the fire fighting quite a bit yesterday and helped clean the air around here. More rain expected tonight.

Oh boy yes, I saw a lot of photographs of the smoke problems a little while ago 'down under'. I think that was a lot worse than what we had here!



New member
13C, and mostly clear. It's supposed to be winter here, but we're getting temperatures around 17-18 during the day (which is very warm for this time of year)