How's Your Weather?


Its all water under the bridge now.

No hills or large rivers around here so no chance of flooding, unless the sea levels rise by about thirty feet. (No I don't believe it will happen even if all the ice melts).

Wet and windy. Quite a sullen sky. 47f



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
You poor bogers it has been on our TV so wet I hope mike has kept his wellies dry :D


Don't have any wellies, if it rains I stay home, some weeks I only go out once, and that's when I'm nearly out of milk. I did suffer a few spots yesterday, I was driving back from a model railway show, decided to nip into the supermarket on the way home; I'd already driven through a torrential downpour en route; as I came out with my milk and some other goodies it started to spit occasional drops, just as I got my key in the door at home it started to rain, just made it inside before the heavens opened again.


New member
Ah, no rain here now. Its snowing. It should be an interesting winter since our move up to the mountains. I have to admit it was a beautiful summer. Much nicer than down near the big city smog...


Steady rain and very overcast at 51f

At least we seem to have been bypassed by the very heavy rain which is causing floods in the West and Wales. Over 500 flood warning posted at the last count.



38f but bright and sunny so looks cheerful. Luckily no wind or the chill factor would take it really low. This winter is forecast as likely to be the coldest for one hundred years (following the wettest Summer for one hundred years) with snow forecast before Christmas.

This global warming is a right bugger.



New member
Brilliant sunshine, about four inches of light snow on the ground - and doggone COLD this morning. About -22C ( 6 below zero F).. And a forecast of RAIN on sunday. Strange.


New member
Crazy weather season. Temp this morning sitting at 0C, high forecast about +6C. Overcast & freezing rain just now. Never a dull moment around here it seems. ;-))


33f overnight rising to 36f today but looks so lovely out. Unfortunately I do not have the sort of clothes necessary to enjoy this cold weather so if I go out I have to wear about six layers of clothes plus my lined mac, gloves, scarf and hat. Passable imitation of the Michelin man.



Staff member
Delightful weather of late ... mid 70's (F) during the day dipping to 48°F at night. These days we don't need the air conditioning, but run the forced air heater a little in the mornings.


Milder today at 41f but scattered snow showers forecast (not that that means anything). Three months of cold weather forecast. Come on over Lars.


Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
First there was extremely heavy snowfall - 25 cm in 12 hours and then came the rain - Yuck........So, +/-1 and calm.


38f. More cloud today and threatening snow. BMWs are inclined to wheelspin in the snow despite having traction control. The Porsche handled beautifully partly because it was mid engined, but she is just a memory now. :cry:


John Watt

Here in the Niagara Peninsula, Canada, it actually snowed yesterday,
but the weather warmed and the sun's out, so it all melted away today.
I saw a cardinal walking along the top of curbs in a public parking lot,
reaching up and eating bugs from underneath car bumpers.
That's my big global warming disappointment, where are all the insects?


30f this morning with a heavy frost (that -3c) Overcast now and 35f. Cold. Very cold but we seem to have escaped the snow for now.
